–Julia, attendee at the New Life DNA Women’s Conference

Bethany Bomberger is no stranger to crowds. She’s taught in public and private schools for over 10 years. She’s been a leader in community projects, women-focused ministries, and urban outreaches for years. Her passion to see lives transformed is evident to anyone who hears her. In addition to her fabulous role as wife, mother, homeschooler, intercessor, and public speaker, she’s the co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. She and her husband, Ryan, know from personal experience how God can heal and restore the broken. It’s one of the reasons why they believe in teaching children before a broken world reaches them. Bethany is the author of the powerful and adorably illustrated PRO-LIFE KIDS! children’s book and co-authored, along with Ryan, the groundbreaking SHE IS SHE book for girls about identity.
Bethany’s passion for those often forgotten has translated into a unique effort that focuses on birthmoms. She founded Sally’s Lambs along with her friend Joy DeAngelo Bowman. SallysLambs.org celebrates adoption while cherishing birth moms.
She’s an earthly mama with a heavenly purpose!
Bethany is praised as a dynamic speaker who gives unique spiritual insights into the human condition. Whether talking about Direction and Destiny, being a S.U.P.E.R. HERO Mom, Getting Past our Past, or living in an Atmosphere of Faith, she speaks truth, life, and hope into all kinds of situations.
Book Bethany Bomberger today!