Books by Bethany & Ryan Bomberger

Radiance Foundation founders — Ryan and Bethany Bomberger — are passionate about creating life-affirming books that shift culture. Through Bara Publishing, they have crafted ground-breaking tools that bring context, clarity and creativity to culture-shaping issues. From Ryan’s Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong, to Bethany’s Pro-Life Kids! to the couples newest She is She and He Is He books about identity, they’re unafraid to shine light in an ever-darkening culture. Click here to order individual books or get a bulk order. We strongly encourage you to get copies of these books into your communities.

She Is She

Celebrate undeniable, beautiful, biological her! In an age of chaos and confusion, our new children’s book “She Is She” offers biological and biblical clarity on identity. Created for children from ages 2-12 (with resources aimed at teens, young adults and parents at, this book can help cut through the cultural noise. It’s pro-science, pro-life, pro-adoption, and pro-common-sense.

# of pages: 48

Readers: 2-12 yrs old

Language: English

Bulk pricing available

He Is He

Celebrate undeniable, biological, lovable him! In a culture of confusion, we set the narratives straight. Masculinity is not toxic; pretending there aren’t thousands of differences between boys and girls is. “He Is He” celebrates boyhood, fatherhood and family. Nothing strengthens a society like intact families with loving and involved dads. This adorably illustrated children’s book is meant for kids 2-12 years old but has great resources for teens, young adults and parents at It’s pro-science, pro-family, pro-life, pro-adoption, and pro-common-sense.

# of pages: 48

Readers: 2-12 yrs old

Language: English

Bulk pricing available

Pro-Life Kids!

Kids are naturally pro-life. We want to help reinforce that natural inclination. With a public school establishment that teaches America’s youngest students a radically leftist view on every issue under the sun, we have to reach our children before a broken world reaches them. Pro-Life Kids! celebrates a truth everyone should embrace: every human life, planned or unplanned, has purpose! This adorably illustrated picture book serves as a powerful tool for adults and children to value every life in and out of the womb.

# of pages: 48

Readers: 2-12 yrs old

Language: English

Bulk pricing available

Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong

Life is the first right. Without it, nothing else matters. Ryan Bomberger explores how the civil rights movement was hijacked by leftist activists who have no regard for many of our most fundamental rights: Life, Religious Liberty, and Free Speech. This bold book eloquently defends these rights while exposing the radical injustices forced upon society by the Left. Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong combines bold writing and research and innovative graphics.

# of pages: 160

Readers: 13+

Language: English

Bulk pricing available

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