About Ryan.
When you’re looking for a speaker, you want someone who not only connects with your audience, but inspires and transforms. That’s Ryan Bomberger. As an Emmy Award-winning creative professional Ryan knows how to create messaging that resonates with people cross-culturally and cross-generationally. His personal story of adoption (shattering the myth of the “unwanted” child) and has a unique way of addressing a wide range of topics with raw emotion, insight and humor. From large conferences to college campuses, mega-churches to high schools, marches and rallies to panels and debates, Ryan fearlessly speaks to audiences here and abroad about a myriad of culture-shaping issues.
He has helped to raise millions of dollars as the keynote speaker at hundreds of pregnancy center, maternity homes and Right to Life fundraiser banquets. Ryan is the author of the creative and bold book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. He is also the co-author, along with his amazing wife Bethany, of the ground-breaking book She Is She (as well as He Is He, which arrives in the Fall 2023). Ryan is passionate about creating opportunities for people to experience freedom as he addresses abortion, adoption, Planned Parenthood, fatherlessness, LGBTQ activism gone wild, racism and Critical Race Theory, free speech, religious liberty and the War on Common Sense.
Ryan was conceived in rape but adopted in love. His life is an example of beautiful possibility. Whether he’s talking about abortion, adoption, Critical Race Theory, gender confusion or leading workshops on creativity and messaging, Ryan has been praised by leaders and students across the country as a “powerful communicator” who is “super funny” and “loved by everyone, young and old.”
Find out more about Ryan Bomberger, here. Click here to fill out the booking form below to inquire about scheduling Ryan as your keynote speaker.
Conferences. Banquets & Galas. Colleges & Universities. Churches. Middle & High Schools. Rallies.
“Ryan Bomberger’s speech was one of the most beautiful, motivating speeches on adoption and the dignity of the human person that I have ever heard. Ryan’s personal story is not only spell-binding, but his skills at sharing his history, his humor and technology savvy made it all come to life for those in attendance. I left the Rose Dinner wanting to do more for others and be a better person because of Ryan’s remarks.”—Jeanne Mancini, President of March For Life Education and Defense Fund
“Ryan Bomberger is a creative genius!” —Dr. Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King Jr.), Civil Rights for the Unborn
“Ryan is a dynamic speaker who held over 1,200 participants at the Heartbeat conference in rapt attention with his entertaining, challenging, and thought-provoking presentation. He brings new depths of meaning to issues that are crucial for us — not only abortion but also marriage, racism, family, faith. His personal story is powerful, and his message is one that I wish everyone could hear and respond to.” —Peggy Hartshorn, Founder and Board Chair of Heartbeat International
“We need more Ryan Bombergers. To the mother who made a difficult choice and gave Ryan life, you my dear have made a profound difference—whether you know it or not.”—Dr. Paul Kengor, New York Times Best-Selling Author of God and Ronald Reagan
“We asked Ryan Bomberger to speak at the Prayer Breakfast for the annual National Right to Life convention. Not surprisingly, our people loved him! Ryan is a superb and charismatic speaker. He blends straight-talk, compassion, and humor to encourage and motivate his audience. Ryan’s personal stories, which revolve around his beloved family, and amusing anecdotes make his audience feel like them know him already and want to know him even better.”—Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life Committee
“Ryan Bomberger’s talk at the Pro-Life/Pro-Family Coalition conference was the absolute best multi-media presentation I have ever seen. Ryan throws tons of statistics at the audience in a riveting combination of numbers, graphics and pictures. It’s exciting to see such high quality techniques in a pro-life talk.”—Ann Scheidler, Vice President of Prolife Action League
“I believe that Ryan Bomberger is one of the bright lights in the great Human Rights Movement of our age, the protracted struggle to restore the recognition of the Right to Life to our youngest neighbors, children in the womb. His efforts are among the most creative and effective efforts of this critical hour.”—Dr. Keith Fournier, Co-Founder of the American Center for Law & Justice
“I have been active in the pro-life for nearly 30 years. I have heard innumerable pro-life talks. Ryan’s presentation ranks among the most powerful I have heard because of his compelling personal story, the work of The Radiance Foundation he describes with images, and his masterful delivery. He is a leader among a new generation of pro-lifers — dedicated, savvy, and effective.”-Joe Pojman, Ph.D., President of Texas Alliance for Life
“Ryan is a phenomenally effective speaker, educator, and motivator. He has a unique ability to reach a multi-generational, cross-cultural audience! Ryan is a modern-day Frederick Douglass who ‘speaks the truth with love’. Ryan mixes courage and compassion, wit and wisdom to deliver his powerful message that “Life Has Purpose” – a message that can and will heal our one race – the human race!” —Karen Nolkemper, Executive Director, Respect Life Apostolate, Archdioces of St. Louis
“Ryan, we can’t stop talking about the event and neither can our guests. You helped us make the most seamless inspiring well executed spirit filled event in our history! REALLY! I had friends say it was like we had done this on the road all over the country. Not because it felt fake…it felt so alive. In my 30 years in pregnancy center work with the predominate amount of that time spent nationally, I have experienced lot of speakers. I have taught Banquet Training through LifeSteward Ministries and wrote the manual in 1996. I KNOW Banquets. All of that to say…YOU are the real deal. A lot of people can speak…a lot of people can entertain. But YOU Ryan share the HEART and can do it in such a compelling way because YOU are authentic and give it all! Your message is for today and leaves guests profoundly touched and wanting more challenged to a call to action. I know that costs you dearly and I know you know in your heart…it is worth it because you perform for an audience of ONE! I can’t thank you enough for your blessing to me personally and to our entire community. You rocked our event and we will never forget it! I keep running into people all over the community sharing this and you were used by the Father to leave a mark.”—Vicky Botsworth Mathews, Executive Director, Choices Womens Clinic, Orlando FL
“Ryan brought his A+ game to Lake County Florida! His level of passion, compassion, honesty and humor will make for a wonderful evening for your donors. Humor, you may ask…YES! He was serious when needed to be and funny to lighten the atmosphere in the room. Our guests were literally hanging on his every word. Many said after the event, we did not want to leave! We could have stayed longer just to be there to hear and learn more. We had the largest numbers of attendees and raised the most money in the history of our ministry!”—Marcia Marron, Executive Director, Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic, Mt. Dora FL
“Ryan Bomberger is an energy shot of encouragement for anyone working for human life protections. He is fearless in exposing abortion industry lies, but manages to do so without losing hope or humor. The Greater Cincinnati pro-life community loved him.” —Paula Westwood, Executive Director, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati
“You were one of our best speakers yet! Your reviews were off the charts. Out of 156 reviews that were turned in, 151 gave you a 5 on a 5 point scale. 5 gave you a four. And several gave you a 5+ or 5++. In other words-You rocked it!!” —Mary Barz, Executive Director, Life Choices of Central Michigan
“We were blessed as well to have you at our Banquet earlier this month. The feedback has been outstanding! Everyone loved you and your presentation and we had our best fundraising night ever! Thank you Ryan and God bless you!” —Deb Cole Townsend, Care Net of the Hudson Valley, Poughkeepsie, NY
“Our Banquet was superb! It is so gratifying when people leaving an event are all saying it is the best one ever – and they are still raving about it a week later! The Banquet was sold out and Ryan was delightful. He found the appropriate balance of working the crowd to get his message across in an inspirational and entertaining way. He made so many excellent points. One that struck me especially was that some of the best things in life are unplanned. That takes a faith that so many lack these days.” -Janet Callahan, Director of Special Projects for Massachusetts Citizens For Life
“Everyone was blown away by your presentation. Everyone loved you.” –Debra Burchfield, Hope Women’s Resource Center, Pine Bluff, AR
“The initial numbers are we hit OVER $200,000 for the first time ever!!! Everyone loved Ryan – and his multimedia presentations are so very professional. Thank you. I don’t know how we could top it next year!” – Robin Fuller, Executive Director, Grants Pass Pregnancy Center, Grants Pass, OR
“The feedback from donors and attendees in the days and weeks following our banquet was overwhelmingly positive. In fact, in spite of having worship led by one of the premier worship bands in the nation, most of the comments about the banquet were regarding the speaker, Ryan Bomberger. His appeal was across the board. Men, women, young, and old alike had stories, sometimes delivered with tears, of how Ryan’s story had impacted them. Many were astounded by the information he provided, even shocked. Also, the event set a new record for us in fundraising. I cannot say enough about Ryan the person or Ryan the speaker. It was a pleasure working with him.” –Maryland Guthas, Executive Director, Bartow Family Resources
“The feedback from donors and attendees in the days and weeks following our banquet was overwhelmingly positive. In fact, in spite of having worship led by one of the premier worship bands in the nation, most of the comments about the banquet were regarding the speaker, Ryan Bomberger. His appeal was across the board. Men, women, young, and old alike had stories, sometimes delivered with tears, of how Ryan’s story had impacted them. Many were astounded by the information he provided, even shocked. Also, the event set a new record for us in fundraising. I cannot say enough about Ryan the person or Ryan the speaker. It was a pleasure working with him.” –Maryland Guthas, Executive Director, Bartow Family Resources
“The initial numbers are we hit OVER $200,000 for the first time ever!!! Everyone loved Ryan – and his multimedia presentations are so very professional. Thank you. I don’t know how we could top it next year!” – Robin Fuller, Executive Director, Grants Pass Pregnancy Center, Grants Pass, OR
“He was our best speaker yet! Across the board (age, gender, station in life) the response has been absolutely positive. From my perspective, as the person with the most direct interaction with Ryan, he was definitely one of the most warm, genuine, and engaging among all the speakers we have had. The way he weaved the many facets of his life story throughout a well-done visual presentation was seamless and captivating. He spent a lot of time with audience members after the event, and we have heard nothing but positive comments from them. One of our Board members, a pastor, lamented that he had not brought the high schoolers from his church because he believed Ryan’s story would give them great hope for their own futures. Choices for Women very highly recommends Ryan for any speaking engagement.” —Rose Condra, Executive Director, Choices for Women
In my twenty years of hosting pro-life assemblies, I have never seen a more powerful presentation of key pro-life issues to our students. Ryan’s clear explanations, hard-hitting facts, personal story, and expertly crafted videos penetrated the hearts of students who were open, and respectfully challenged those who were not.” —Fr. Peter Pilsner, Clergy, High School Chaplain at Cardinal Spellman High School
“We cannot thank you enough for such a compelling and engaging talk [at Columbia University]. Everyone was saying how much they enjoyed it. Thank you! Very few people can present such a polarizing topic, in a way that is uplifting, and even funny at times. You have an amazing gift.”—Ifeoma Anunkor, Human Life Review, EXPECT at Columbia University
“I was looking through all of the surveys from [the] Leadership Summit at George Mason and the students absolutely loved you and your presentation. Your character and professionalism added so much to the event. I was blessed to have you join us!” —Michele Hendrickson, SFLA Capital Regional Coordinator
“He is hilarious and amazing!” —Dajan, Student, Loyola University
“Ryan, that was a fabulous presentation, start to finish, content and tone, fact and faith. Your love of Jesus and of your family were radiant, and you displayed the kind of faithful dialogue on tough issues that we love to see modeled for our students. Very true and nimble in the Q & A time too.” —Dr. Don Opitz, Campus Pastor, Messiah College
“We LOVED having you at YCCLC – the students found you to be a highlight of our week and enjoyed your presentations both on campus and at the WCS. Thank you for joining us and engaging our students!”—Anna Brawner, Associate Director of Admissions for Marketing and Events, Colorado Christian University
“Great speaker. Awesome presentation.” —Haley, Student, U.S. Naval Academy
“Our student group hosted Ryan on campus for his Black & Beautiful talk. There was a reproductive justice fair outside countering our event and Ryan handled it very graciously. Before the talk, he went outside and introduced himself, inviting the organizers of the other event to come inside and hear his talk. Many of them did and the crowd was ideologically mixed, leading to a very interesting time of Q&A at the end. Although the Q&A got a little tense, many students were moved by Ryan’s presentation. The best part was that the conversation had been started. It’s not easy to talk about abortion, and it’s especially difficult to bring up the racial disparity of abortion rates, but it was an important topic to be discussed. Even now, a month later, members of our group are still getting to talk to people about the event and highlight the truth that every life has purpose.” –Miranda Hale, A Women’s Choice on Campus
“Blew my mind – so much information. Amazing!” —Julia, Student, Loyola University