A lot has changed since the Emancipation Proclamation. Despite the rhetoric from the Left pretending that virtually “nothing has changed”, so much has. From slavery to the presidency, many barriers have been overcome since President Abraham Lincoln issued a monumental declaration that changed the course of history.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream didn’t envision freedom through governmental dependency, redefined marriage, generational poverty, epidemic fatherlessness, transgendered bathrooms, racial division, less religious liberty, and over 63 million aborted.
It’s up to us. We can choose to seek and know the truth, or continue to be manipulated by those with a perpetual agenda to be re-elected and in control. We can choose to be the victims that the elite so desperately need, or the victors who reject today’s self-proclaimed “civil rights” movement. On so many crucial issues, the once-great American civil rights movement has been hijacked. It’s truly civil rights gone wrong. We need to know the difference—regardless of “race” or ethnicity—between being empowered and being fooled by those in power.
This presentation digs into Ryan Bomberger’s book of the same title, NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG, and explores the following elements*:
- Be A Factivist
- Civil Rights History
- A Tale of Two Parties
- What They Said (Famous Civil Rights Leaders in Their Own Words)
- Where Civil Rights Groups Stand Today
- Abortion and the Black Community
- “Black Genocide”: Who Called It That?
- Judges Gone Wild
- Free Speech is White Supremacy?
- The Radiance Foundation vs NAACP
- The Black and White Fight for Civil Rights
- Uncle Tom For Life