New podcast every Wednesday at 7am EST!
The Radiance Foundation is so excited to launch something we’ve been wanting to do for years! And what a time to be able to speak to the value of every human life! Life Has Purpose is not only the name of our brand-new podcast, but it’s been the DNA of our nonprofit organization since we created it ten years ago. Our hope is that Life Has Purpose will inform and inspire. We’re not afraid to talk about the tough issues facing our broken culture, and we’re passionate about highlighting the stories that speak hope and healing. And…we love to laugh. Get ready for a life-affirming journey with Bethany and Ryan Bomberger with each weekly episode of Life Has Purpose!
Ryan was an award-winning creative professional for more than a decade before becoming the Chief Creative Officer of The Radiance Foundation and father to four awesome munchkins (two of whom are adopted). He’s an international public speaker, columnist, factivist and author of the fearless book Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. Learn more about Ryan.
Bethany taught in public and private schools for 13 years and is currently a homeschoolin’ and adoptive mama with four kiddos. She’s a public speaker and children’s author who just released her ground-breaking first book, PRO-LIFE KIDS!. Oh, and she’s the co-founder and Executive Director of The Radiance Foundation. Learn more about Bethany.
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SHOW #7: Race, Injustice and a Christian Worldview
Race. It’s a made-up thing, and we’re not afraid to go there. We can’t shy away from having tough conversations, but we have to have the right starting point. There is no justice without truth, and the only Truth that is immutable is God’s Word. It illuminates how we fight the sin of racism…how we fight sin, period. This podcast talks about how our marriage was once considered illegal, a little American civil rights history, Ahmaud Arbery, LeBron James and blamestream media. Get ready to dive in to some deep waters. Book an online or in-person event with Ryan and/or Bethany Bomberger at
SHOW #6: Adoption, Birthmoms and Transformation
As adoptive parents, we celebrate how adoption is a loving act that helps to restore what was broken. Adoption unleashes purpose and beautifully transforms. In this episode we expose the deception of Planned Parenthood and share a powerful phone interview with our friend and Board member, Kristin DePola. She’s a birthmom who turned the unplanned into a loving plan. Learn more about The Radiance Foundation’s adoption advocacy at or schedule a live multimedia talk at your conference, church, college or organization’s event at
SHOW #5: El Cinco De Ryo Mother’s Day Edition
This is a very special episode. May 5th–known around the world as El Cinco De Mayo–is El Cinco De Ryo in our house. It’s Ryan’s birthday! AND, this coming weekend is Mother’s Day! What better way to celebrate than to have Ryan’s mother–Andrea Bomberger–who raised 13 children (10 adopted) share her incredible journey. This is an exclusive interview with a mother of a multiracial family who navigated through the challenges of racism, disabilities, and disappointments. But her faith and love brought many moments of joy and triumph.
SHOW #4: Harvard Hates Homeschooling
Harvard is holding an anti-homeschooling (anti-schoolchoice) summit in June. Harvard Law Professor and summit leader, Elizabeth Bartholet, believes children belong to the State and that parents have no natural rights to their children. She asserts that homeschoolers are religious extremists, misogynists and racists and that homeschooling should be banned. As an interracial homeschooling couple, we shred a bunch of Harvard’s Ivy League bogus claims (using things like facts) and provide powerful examples of and resources for #schoolchoice.
SHOW #3: Fear Is A Liar
This episode goes deep into the reason for the name of our nonprofit organization, The Radiance Foundation. It’s a story of desperation, transformation and redemption. Also, we expose the fake feminism of Planned Parenthood and contrast it with the truly empowering work of pregnancy centers and maternity homes. Don’t miss this powerful episode! Learn more at
SHOW #2: I Am The One Percent
Ryan and Bethany Bomberger talk about origin stories, including Ryan’s adoption into a diverse multiracial family of 15. His parents, Henry and Andrea Bomberger, weren’t on any kind of crusade; they just wanted to love the supposedly “unwanted.” Ryan also shares the song he wrote for his birthmom called “Meant to Be” and the first chapter of his fearless book, NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG (available on Amazon). Learn more at
SHOW #1: Meet The Bombs
Ryan & Bethany Bomberger talk about God-sized dreams and how a passion for engaging a broken culture led to the creation of The Radiance Foundation. Ryan delivers his factivist commentary on Coronavirus, Chaos and Confusion. Also, we have fun talking to our kiddos (the Lil’ Bombs) about what the phrase “Life Has Purpose” means to them. Learn more at http;//