PRO-LIFE KIDS! is a one-of-a-kind children’s book created by Bethany Bomberger, an adoptive mom, educator and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. It is an adorably illustrated journey that reinforces the value of every human life, in and out of the womb. It’s a tool that includes helpful resources that can be used by anyone who is looking to share an age-appropriate prolife worldview to children. PRO-LIFE KIDS! powerfully illuminates what millions around the world celebrate every day—that life has purpose.
Below is a partial preview of PRO-LIFE KIDS! that will be produced as a hardcover, 10″x10″ book. Buy it today at
You can also support this initiative with a generous tax-deductible gifts. 100% of the proceeds of book sales will go toward the life-affirming work of The Radiance Foundation.
THANK YOU for believing in what we do!