our mission
To encourage and support birthmoms facing unplanned pregnancies.
Sally’s Lambs works with established pregnancy care centers, adoption agencies and with birthmothers directly to help birthmoms feel cherished and connected. We design and deliver birthmom gift baskets tailored to each birthmom’s preferences. Each basket is as unique as she is. We also run maternity clothing drives to collect gently-used or new clothes.
our baskets
our events
Please make a tax-deductible donation today.
or click to help add items to our baskets through our amazon.com registry.
The Sally’s Lambs program is an outreach of The Radiance Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in northern Virginia. It is inspired by Sally DeAngelo and her boundless love and dedication to people – especially those in need. In 2003, Sally passed away after battling brain cancer for three years. Even through the most challenging years of her life she inspired others with her love for humanity, her faith in God, and her unfaltering ability to think of others before herself.
Although Sally gave of herself to her family and anyone who needed her support, she had a special place in her heart for women facing unplanned pregnancies. In 1966, while still in high school, Sally found herself pregnant. Knowing that she was not in a position to give her child the life she wanted to, she placed her son for adoption. This decision, although difficult, was one Sally always knew was best.
In 1996, after marrying and having 4 more children (1 daughter and 3 sons), she was reunited with her birth son. Words could not describe her delight when she saw him and discovered that a wonderful family had adopted him. He was living a full and happy life with a beautiful family of his own.
Throughout her adult life, Sally spent countless hours at Pregnancy Care Centers offering hope and encouragement to the women there. She and her husband often brought unwed mothers into their home and supported them during their pregnancies.
Sally always loved lambs and treasured the peace found in a picture of a lamb being held safely and securely by its shepherd. In September 2001 she journalled: “I am grateful that I was found by my Shepherd, and that He watches over me…”
Joy DeAngelo Bowman, Sally’s only daughter and original Board member of The Radiance Foundation, was involved in launching this ministry to continue her legacy. Bethany and Joy’s desire was to bring hope and peace into the lives of those that Sally would still be embracing today. The Radiance Foundation is passionate about expanding this ministry in 2020.
Sally’s Lambs® is an outreach of The Radiance Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to illuminating the intrinsic worth and God-given purpose every individual possesses.