The Endorsements

“Thank you for helping to make OneLifeLA a day of abundant blessing for Los Angeles and all of Southern California. This event exceeded expectations for our inaugural year! It was such a joy that you were able to join us. Your enthusiastic witness to the possibility inherent in each unique person provides hope for all those who don’t see the value of every life, and inspiration for those in our community working to build a culture of life each day. We were thrilled to premiere your new video and pray that it changes hearts and minds around the world.” –Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles

“Ryan Bomberger’s talk at the Pro-Life/Pro-Family Coalition conference was the absolute best multi-media presentation I have ever seen. Ryan throws tons of statistics at the audience in a riveting combination of numbers, graphics and pictures. It’s exciting to see such high quality techniques in a pro-life talk.” –Ann Scheidler, Vice President of Prolife Action League

“The challenge facing black America today is moral, not political. Abortion, AIDS, crime, poor education, family breakdown. These reflect poor personal decisions, not politics. The liberal worldview has no moral clarity when it comes to these issues as it has injected its venom into urban America for decades. The Radiance Foundation’s exposes this harmful ideology and the devastating repercussions that have left our inner-cities fatherless and made abortion the number one killer of black Americans.”–Star Parker, Founder & President of C.U.R.E. (Center for Urban Renewal Education) and syndicated columnist

“I have deep respect for how you make God’s grace visible in your design, audible in your music, tangible in your speaking and touchable in your family. I’m truly thankful to call you friends.” –Jedd Medefind, President of Christian Alliance For Orphans and author of “UPENDED”

“I believe that Ryan Bomberger is one of the bright lights in the great Human Rights Movement of our age, the protracted struggle to restore the recognition of the Right to Life to our youngest neighbors, children in the womb. His efforts are among the most creative and effective efforts of this critical hour.” –Keith Fournier, Editor-in-Chief of Catholic-Online

“Your reflection on adoption is beautiful. The pro-life movement is so fortunate to have you among us, speaking this message, and also, of course, calling our attention to the terrible Black genocide. You do this in such a powerful way. God has gifted you mightily and sent you into this battle for such a time as this. I am honored to serve with you at this time in our history.” –Peggy Hartshorn, President of Heartbeat International (network of 1,100 affiliated pregnancy help centers)

“Children receive explicit sex education and are given contraception, birth-control, and abortions without parental notification or consent. I support The Radiance Foundation in creatively taking the initiative to educate parents and leaders in our communities.” –Dr. LaVerne Tolbert, Former Planned Parenthood NYC Board Member, Expert in Abstinence & Teen Pregnancy Prevention

“It was a pleasure to have you as our keynote speaker. Everyone loved you! Thank you so much for your work and the very innovative way you educate and enlighten.” Christine Melchor, Executive Director of Houston Coalition for Life

“Thank you for your ministry and the work that you do. I am the mother of four children, three biological and one adopted. Our adopted daughter’s birth mom made the brave choice to carry her full term and gave us a precious gift. I will forever be grateful! We may never know the circumstances concerning her conception or decision to place her up for adoption. She was born and “abandoned” after birth. She came into our lives when she was 4 days old straight from the hospital where she was born and she is now 15 months. She is an absolute joy! My prayer is that so many other African-American girls would not abort their babies, but choose adoption as an alternative. We are an African-American family and love to encourage other African-American families to prayerfully consider adoption. God bless you in the work that you do! Keep doing what you do!” –Pam Andrews, via email

“Ryan is a driving force for the issues of life, as well as a creative genius in using the mediums of technology to present the issues of life to the public in a compelling and creative manner.” –Lawrence A. Breeden, former Chief Operating Officer, CareNet (one of the world’s largest pregnancy care networks)

“Ryan’s personal story, combined with his powerful speaking style and keen intellect made for a compelling, informative and very inspiring lecture on adoption recently at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.. In what is more typically a reserved forum Ryan’s presentation solicited a passionate response from the full-house audience, including a standing ovation at the end.”–Jeanne Monahan, Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council

“Everyone was completely blown away by your presentation.” –Debra Burchfield, Hope Women’s Center

“I am a reader of your article on A More Genderless, Hopeless, Meaningless Society and when I got to the end of the article I read your short bio and just wanted to say thank you for being a man of integrity and speaking out the truth. Thank you for loving your wife and those four little munchkins. The Holy Spirit really touched me through your words and I thought hey why not thank the guy. So I am.”–Margie Nielsen from Australia.

“The Radiance Foundation offers information, education and solutions in a world where adoption is an option that is often overlooked; a bridge of hope to both birth mothers (and sometimes fathers) in need of support, and families desiring to adopt. The innovative and compassionate alternatives that Radiance shines the light upon are both promising and powerful.”–Dr. Alveda King, Founder King for America and Director of African America Outreach, Priests for Life

“That NPR segment was epic. Great job. Even with all the editing that took place as you described, you certainly “won” the debate. You offered new food for thought that most have not yet considered, which I think is the beauty of what the Radiance Foundation is doing.” –Ryan Bingham, Education and Outreach Coordinator for Hope Pregnancy Centers in Texas

“Ryan’s testimony had a tremendous impact on those who attended our banquet. It brought to light the truth that every life has value and the importance each life has on our society. His mother made a courageous decision and the world is definitely a better place because Ryan is in it. This is why we do what we do and why every client is so precious to us. His presentation helped our audience connect why our work is essential in helping our clients understand the intrinsic value of every life God creates.” –Karen Snuffer, Executive Director of CareNet Pregnancy Resource Centers

“Ryan gave an excellent presentation titled SELF-CONTROL vs. REMOTE CONTROL to the teens at Pro-Life Pro-Family Coalition’s 2012 Annual Conference that was interesting, informative and interactive. The teens were engaged by the powerful audio-visuals, even the statistics were presented in a creative way. When Ryan spoke to the teens he challenged them to work toward achieving their dreams, not to follow the media hype and to realize that sometimes media reports are used to promote a hidden agenda. He encouraged the teens to reach their full potential by living a life of self-control and dignity.” Laetitia Benberry RN, BSN, Youth Coordinator of Black Pro-Life Pro-Family Coalition

“I just wanted to write to you to tell you how very much I admire your columns on Your personal story and that of your family is truly inspiring.

As a child of 12 my mother told me that if abortion had been legal in 1965 then I would not exist. The pain and self-destruction that affected much of my life was nearly paralyzing. It took many years and a lot of hard personal work to develop a sense of self worth and personal validation. It took even longer to build a relationship with my mother; but together we have overcome a lot of mistrust, ill feelings, and wasted time.

I am 49 years old now and have no biological children of my own; I am however, the proud mother of two daughters that I was blessed to acquire within the past 8 years during the latter half of their teen years. These girls were abandoned by their own mother, and I do my very best to try and provide prospective to them about their own worth and to encourage them to love themselves and not take on their mother’s failings as their own. I also try to encourage them to not carry the baggage of hate or resentment because I know all too well those feelings are the forces of destruction.

Your columns bring hope to many of us that there are people who realize the value and potential of every life. Bless you and your wife for all that you do to try and affect the hearts and minds of people who devalue life and perpetuate death upon the innocent.

I just wanted to personally thank you for the hope, honesty, and directness that you bring to the conversation on this issue.” –Cheryl

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