Harvard, Heritage, and “Prochoice” Hostility

 In Abortion, black genocide, civil rights, Fatherlesness, First Amendment, free speech, news, planned parenthood, racism

College campuses tend to reflect foreign nations with limited speech rights instead of the land of the free and home of the brave. The exchange of ideas has so many caveats and unspoken disclaimers that it’s easy to forget in a University that there’s a First Amendment.

Safe spaces have replaced robust discourse, sheltering too many from the non-monolithic marketplace of ideas.

Harvard’s motto used to be “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae” which translates into “Truth for Christ and the Church” as the school was established to train missionaries. Today, it is simply “Veritas” or “Truth”, severed from the original Source, left to be subjective and ultimately (as we see with abortion) destructive. Knowing Truth is a constant pursuit, and it takes initiative. Seven years ago, when my amazing wife Bethany and I started The Radiance Foundation, I knew little about the hiHarvard Event Flyerstorical, legal, socio-economic, and scientific aspects of abortion. I worked hard to learn, to weigh evidence, to come to reasoned conclusions about the human rights issue of our day.

I truly applaud the brand new Law Students for Life (LSL) and the Black Law Students Association (BLSA)  for creating an opportunity for Truth to be spoken on an Ivy League campus.

They invited me to Harvard Law School to address abortion’s alarming disproportionate impact in the black community. Harvard Law Professor Diane Rosenfeld, who teaches courses on “Gender Violence, Law and Social Justice” was invited to offer a pro-abortion view. (Sadly, we were prohibited by the “prochoice” professor from recording the event. She even threatened to cancel the event the night before because she said it was “horrible” that the event flyer associated ‘abortion’ with ‘death’. I guess people shouldn’t associate ‘sky’ with ‘clouds’ either.) Her focus on violence and rape is ironic, considering she supports the violence of abortion and Planned Parenthood which has repeatedly failed to report rape. The abortion chain was caught aiding and abetting sexual predators in Live Action’s undercover video exposé. I was conceived in rape, so protecting the innocent is my passion. In typical liberal fashion, she called my adoption story—where a woman proved she was stronger than her circumstances and chose Life for her child—a “cute story”.

It became immediately apparent that Rosenfeld knew nothing about the central theme of the event. She had to have talking points given to her by the Harvard Law Students for Reproductive Justice–none of which addressed the premise. She filled her time invoking buzzwords that define Women Studies programs (victim, bodily integrity, sexual coercion, gender violence) and sounded eerily reminiscent of Margaret Sanger as she repeatedly stated only “wanted” children are worthy of life.


It was surreal to hear the mocking laughter, jeers, and mistimed finger snapping throughout my brief 15-minute presentation. I shared my personal story, dispelled the myth of the “unwanted” child, talked about more black babies being aborted than born alive in NYC (1,180 aborted for every 1,000 born alive), and provided historical and statistical context to the issue. It was obvious the more vocal “prochoice” students didn’t want context; they wanted confusion. The responses, during an hour-long Q&A, came flooding out in macro-aggressive tirades that desperately avoided the alarming racial disparities in abortion.

I addressed poverty rates (9.65% among whites, 20.5% among blacks, 22.5% among Hispanics) and uninsured rates (12.7% among whites, 15.9% among blacks and 24.4% among Hispanics) and how those factors did not explain abortion rates up to 6 times higher among blacks than whites and often 2-3 times higher than Hispanics.

I dared to challenge the often empty rhetoric that #blacklivesmatter if time and place determine the value of human life. I affirmed that #whitelivesmatter and #brownlivesmatter because #humanlivesmatter.

The “Bodily autonomy” defense was invoked numerous times, ignoring the fact that aborted human beings are never afforded any. One of the students angrily declared that, as a man, I would “never lose my bodily autonomy”. As a father, I lose my “bodily autonomy” every day. I lovingly sacrifice for my wife and children. I give of my body—just as mothers do—to provide, to nurture, to protect, to educate, to console, to play, to instruct, to do whatever I need to do no matter the physical cost to my perpetually exhausted body. Self-sacrifice is a far higher virtue than a narcissistic and unrealistic notion of bodily autonomy.

Professor Rosenfeld, at one point, began talking about the women’s suffrage movement and alluded to some unidentified photograph of a coalition seven white men who allegedly opposed the suffragists. Rosenfeld, and pro-abortion advocates, have no problem with six white and one black man in black robes who ruled, in our nation’s Supreme Court, that one group of human beings (abortionists, who were mostly white men) could kill another group of human beings (the unborn).

I was laughed at when I suggested fatherlessness has a huge impact in the black community where 72.3% of children are born to unmarried mothers. When I praised single moms for doing all they can to raise their child(ren) yet were never meant to be both mother and father, the “reproductive justice” students scoffed.

PP-LEADING-KILLER-TRF-IGEverything these activists were spouting were merely talking points from the pro-abortion group, SisterSong, which put us in their crosshairs the moment we launched our first TooManyAborted.com billboard campaign. The group tried for years, unsuccessfully, to deprive us of our First Amendment rights by demanding the outdoor billboard companies take down our billboards. They failed. Free speech prevailed. These “reproductive justice” students are being propagandized by a minority-led activist group funded by the world’s largest population control organization and population control chain — the Ford Foundation —  and Planned Parenthood. Oh, the irony. They were ferociously defending an institution birthed in eugenic racism and elitism that has become the number one killer of unarmed black lives (and white lives and every hue in between). Many of these Harvard “social justice warriors” are fighting for the billion-dollar oppressor and not the defenseless (and mutilated) oppressed.

But I am hopeful. Courageous students on campuses across the country, including Harvard Law School, are challenging the misinformed status quo. The Radiance Foundation is honored to help equip a confused generation with powerful life-affirming tools that deliver the emotional and the evidential to illuminate the Truth that makes us all equal.

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  • ConservativeCreole

    Ryan I had to post your article again …

    It is profound, revelatory and disheartening.

    Thank you for your Stand for the most defenseless among us.

    God Bless.

  • David

    Thank youn Ryan for your courage.

  • TCF

    As a Harvard College student, thank you very much for coming to campus. I love all the work that the new Law Students for Life group has done this year, including this talk. We need to open this issue up for debate, but too many times the debate is shut down by ignorant yet incredibly confident (young people you are essentially) children.

  • PhilOFS

    Why no recording allowed? I feel strongly it was to keep their bullying and facism hidden from YOU TUBE where they can’t control how others view their insanity. These neo-facists understand wholeheartedly how quickly they lose if the truth gets out. Harvard is in bed with other so called institutions of higher learning in controlling the so called open exchange of ideas. At Georgetown, when the head of Planned Parenthood was given a platform from which to propogandize her organization only a very controlled number of agreeing students and faculty were allowed into the auditorium where she spoke. It is all a sham.

  • Julie

    Thank you for your talk. I listened to it more than once because you shared statistics that I had not ever heard before. Keep up your message. You have a calling.

  • Jeanne Price

    Hard to believe that Harvard started out being a
    Christian Divinity College…now no Christians or conservatives are welcomed there….only Liberals, Progressives, Communists and Atheists are tolerated there….

  • Andrew Michell

    It’s amazing that you can stand there and tell your personal story and demonstrate your humanity and even with this right in front of their eyes they still promote murdering the %1 (and even the %99)

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  • […] Harvard’s motto used to be “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae” which translates into “Truth for Christ and the Church” as the school was established to train missionaries. Today, it is simply “Veritas” or “Truth”, severed from the original Source, left to be subjective and ultimately (as we see with abortion) destructive. Knowing Truth is a constant pursuit, and it takes initiative. Seven years ago, when my amazing wife Bethany and I started The Radiance Foundation, I knew little about the historical, legal, socio-economic, and scientific aspects of abortion. I worked hard to learn, to weigh evidence, to come to reasoned conclusions about the human rights issue of our day. theradiancefoundation.org Full Article […]

  • […] continues, “Today, abortion has a hugely disproportionate impact on the black community. Part of addressing this is dispelling the myth that black children are less than others. […]

  • […] be equated with “death” in the flier. She also refused to allow her portion to be recorded, according to Bomberger’s account of the […]

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"WE ARE NOT EQUAL" by The Radiance FoundationRyan Bomberger - conceived in rape - Learn more at www.Radiance.Life
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