Defund and Replace Planned Parenthood. Like Right Now.
With a new Trump administration, comes a new breath of life into our national leadership and a clearer, more focused vision. Hopefully, the Republican Party can see what’s so obvious. […]
Mother. It’s a word that invokes the deepest of emotions for both the woman and her child (whether biological, adopted or step). None of us would be here without her. […]
GOP, Stop Fearing What The Left Is Cheering!
President Joe Biden has become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief. And Vice President Kamala Harris is his megaphone.
Rape and Abortion: How My Life Was Saved
I should’ve been aborted. Years ago a nationwide report determined 1% of abortions are due to rape-related pregnancies. Abortion advocates today use those tragedies to advocate for another [...]
Evil is relentless. Good is even stronger. The pro-abortion side has long been waging a war against women. Yes…remember those human beings that the Left has reduced to “people with [...]
Rare, Legal and Very Early In Pregnancy?
In June 2022, our nation was given an opportunity to reassess decades of needless human destruction. The Supreme Court reversed its ruling in Roe v. Wade that unborn human beings […]
Celebrating the End of Roe
This OpEd/Commentary originally appeared in the World and Everything In It. I’ll never forget where I was on June 24, 2022. I was alone in our Radiance Foundation offices. My […]
Planned Parenthood: Relentlessly Ruthless
This OpEd originally appeared in The World and Everything In it. Listen to the audio commentary here. I’ve been researching Planned Parenthood for nearly 15 years. The billion-dollar abortion [...]
America’s Unsung Heroes: Pregnancy Help Centers
This is an exclusive column for The World And Everything In It. It’s available as an audio commentary here. I’ve had the blessing of working with hundreds of pregnancy […]
Pregnancy is Not Slavery
Chattel slavery was an evil institution in America that violently denied an entire group of human beings any humanity. It took a bloody Civil War and an historic 13th Amendment […]
The Truth Will Set You Free
“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” It’s a quote from the late voting rights and anti-poverty freedom fighter, Fannie Lou Hamer. Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion activists love to quote [...]
Pro-Abortion Groups Celebrate Black Genocide in Georgia
A Superior Court judge in Georgia has pretended that the Dobbs decision was not handed down back in June. Judge Robert C.I. McBurney overturned the state’s heartbeat bill falsely claiming […]
Democrat Fragility
“You’re just an Uncle Tom!” the University of Louisville (black) professor yelled at me. “Is that supposed to be an insult?” I asked. Thinking she dug some stake into my […]
Adopted And Loved in a Post-Roe America
The true strength of our humanity is how we help those in their weakest moments. Vulnerable children need that strength. Adopt. Be the Hope.
Exclusive Column by Ryan Bomberger for The Christian Post “We choose truth over facts.” Biden’s campaign words, combined with his history of hostility towards truth, are confusing but not [...]
Childless AOC Lectures Pro-Life Lawmakers With Children
Social media may be able to create leftist celebrity lawmakers, but they can’t imbue them with critical thinking skills. Such is the case for elected leaders like Representative Alexandria [...]
Planned Parenthood Makes a Killing During the Pandemic
“We are essential.” This is the bogus refrain we heard from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) throughout the height of the COVID pandemic. While businesses were [...]
How do you make fake news even faker? You claim that you’re a journalistic entity that is fighting “disinformation,” of course. You call yourself a “fact-checker”. You throw in some […]
Elizabeth Warren Gone Wild…for Abortion
Elizabeth Warren hates choice. The radically pro-abortion Senator has launched a bizarre crusade against her own gender. She doesn’t trust women to have any other option than abortion.
Roe Gets Aborted
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I had to keep reloading the Supreme Court’s official page. Was today finally going to be the day that justice would be done? Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Every […]
“Pro-Choice” Has Always Been a Fraud
Euphemisms are always meant to sound true, not be true. In fact, they intentionally try to prevent people from knowing the truth. Reproductive Freedom. Women’s Healthcare. Reproductive Justice. [...]
Abort Roe
Today was my birthday. But that birthday could’ve easily been aborted. I am the one percent that is used 100% of the time to justify abortion. My birthmom, despite being […]
Planned Parenthood, LGBT Inc and Comprehensive Sex Miseducation
“Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.” This is Planned Parenthood’s “gender spectrum” sex ed pseudoscience, championed by leading LGBT organizations including the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and [...]
Don’t. Erase. Women.
No one needs to be a biologist to know what a woman is. Only progressives, who mangle language and deny basic science, pretend they don't know the obvious.
You Can’t Make History Unless You’re Born
“Seven million women died last year because they didn’t have access to abortion.” This was the absurd claim by a pro-abortion activist testifying in opposition to Nebraska’s Legislative Bill (LB) [...]
Yes, Planned Parenthood is the Leading Killer of Black Lives
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business, is the leading killer of black lives.
Famed Voting Rights Activist Fannie Lou Hamer Called Abortion “Genocide”
Black History Month should be a time of celebration of achievement and honest reflection on the impediments to freedom for all. Civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer is one of […]
Democrats: The Party of Jim Covid
The nation’s capital, one would think, would be the freest in our Constitutional Republic. That assumes, of course, the Constitution is what elected leaders uphold. As we’ve seen throughout the [...]
Boston Offers Taxpayer-funded Vacations for Abortions
Abortion is legal through all nine months in Massachusetts. Abortion is funded, for any reason, through the state’s taxpayer-funded Mass Health program. And now having an abortion qualifies [...]
Lecrae, Progressive Politics and Double-Minded Artistry
Music artistry reaches people in ways that other forms of expression cannot. It’s why Christian artists who have a national platform have both opportunity and an incredible responsibility. [...]
Sorry Reverend Raphael Warnock. You Can’t Serve God and Planned Parenthood.
Tired of fake Christian Pastors? So am I. I’m particularly put off by those who run for office in the U.S. Congress dressed in sheep’s clothing but are really just […]
Remember When the UN Declared the Unborn Should be Protected?
I do. Well, I wasn’t around then, but I teach about this shocking truth in many of my speaking events, especially in colleges and universities. Typically mouths drop and eyes […]
The Pro-Abortion Left Attacks Adoption
I’m completely biased. I’ll let you know that up front. It’s not an implicit bias; it’s an explicit bias. I wouldn’t be who I am without adoption. I may not […]
The Racial Violence that Erupted in Obama’s and Biden’s America
I went to Ferguson shortly after all the mayhem back in 2014. I saw sections of the city burned to the ground. I talked to pastors and residents who shared […]
NAACP and Anti-Defamation League Don’t Believe We’re All Created Equal
Life is filled with irony. Last year “feminists” were celebrating women’s equality declaring #TheFutureIsFemale; now men can be “women” merely by saying so. Smart phones provide more access to [...]
Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
APRIL 2021: UPDATED SOME LINKS (BECAUSE BLM HAS PURGED SOME OF THEIR WEBPAGES) AND SOME STATISTICS. Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I […]
Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Propaganda is Essential…for Skyrocketing Profits
Somehow the “My Body My Choice” crowd doesn’t understand the difference between an elective “choice” and essential healthcare. Likewise, federal judges who defend the supremely wrong Roe v. Wade [...]
Christianity Today—which relies on the name of its founder Billy Graham but increasingly not his wisdom or character—has called for the removal of President Donald Trump because of his “immoral [...]
COWardice and Capitulation: Some Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds
There’s a lot of talk about Chick-fil-A. Most of it is generated by the #fakenews establishment that wants nothing more than to demonize an organization that, historically, has publicly professed [...]
Facebook, Free Speech and the Fragility of the NAACP
The NAACP has forgotten its history. Apparently, free speech is no longer a civil right. Who knew? “I Have a Dream” would be erased from our collective memory. A former […]
Planned Parenthood President Lies Again, Defends Eugenicist Margaret Sanger
This article was originally posted in September 2019. It has been updated in March 2021. Denial. It’s a multi-billion-dollar business. And Planned Parenthood’s newest President—Alexis McGill [...]
I saw it coming from the first interview on her first day. Dr. Leana Wen was robotic. She didn’t have the poise of her Planned Parenthood predecessor, Cecile Richards. Both […]
Abortion is #fakehealth.
Only in the world of abortion activism is violently induced death considered healthcare. Fake feminism has led millions to believe that justice is when the strong prevail over the weak. […]
NAACP Should Issue Travel Advisory to Planned Parenthood, the Leading Killer of Black Lives
The NAACP finds racism in every facet of American life, except for in the one industry that kills human beings for a living. But Planned Parenthood, the leading killer of unarmed black lives, has [...]
Hollywood, Harvey and Hypocrisy
Hollywood, the Land of Make-Believe and Botox injections, loves to inject its “moral” authority into every social issue. But, like everything Tinseltown produces, it’s all duplicitous. They do [...]
Finally! NFL players across the country took a knee to protest the systemic racism and unjustified deaths that have plagued black communities for decades. Using their broadcast platform, [...]
The Leftists Who Cried White Supremacy
The word ‘racism’ has become meaningless. Thank you, liberalism. Just blame everything and anything on it. Being accused of being a racist is the worst thing someone can be called these […]
Charlottesville, Chaos and Confederate Statues
Note: Quote in video is from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1967 powerful speech, “Where Do We Go From Here”, delivered 50 years ago this month. Hear entire speech here. […]
The Courageous Pro-Life Women Who Fight For Real Equality
What is feminism? If you asked people on the street, the most common response is “equality.” Yet at the darkened heart of today’s fake feminism, there is no equality because […]
Calling a Foul on Seattle Storm’s Partnership with Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood
Truth should be a slam-dunk. Yet activists that support and defend Planned Parenthood just keep blocking the facts. The WNBA’s Seattle Storm co-owner, Dawn Trudeau, is taking pride in being […]
Planned Parenthood’s Latest Annual Report: An Exercise in Aborting Humans, History & Biology
If you abort over 325,000 human beings a year, you’re going to abort the facts, too. One would think that actual parenthood would be part of Planned Parenthood’s mission. The abortion […]
Own it. You Are Pro-Abortion, Gloria Steinem.
Ahhhh, the Huffington Post—all the fake news that’s fit to print. Pro-abortion icon, Gloria Steinem, doesn’t want to own her radical abortion activism. And leftist news outlets are more than […]
CBS’ Madam Secretary Has Powerful Pro-Life, Pro-Family Moments
Hollywood doesn’t hide its religion of liberalism. Compelling dramas are often marred by overt attempts to preach politics instead of delivering meaningful storylines that resonate. But once in a [...]
Truth vs. “Prochoice”: Ryan Bomberger Debates Pro-Abortion Legislator and NPR
Most Americans should know by now that NPR stands for National Prochoice Radio. They rarely ever try to appear objective on abortion. This week, I was given the opportunity to debate the […]
NPR Debate Smackdown: Truth v. “Prochoice”
Most Americans should know by now that NPR stands for National Prochoice Radio. They rarely ever try to appear objective on abortion. This week, I was given the opportunity to debate the […]
The Courage of Prolife Factivists
We have to love people enough to tell them the truth. That’s real courage. Love illuminates. Love isn’t factophobic; it sets people free, enabling them to break away from the sin that used to [...]
“Jane Roe” Wanted to Abort Roe v. Wade
The abortion industry kills, distorts and exploits. Over 57 million lives have been slaughtered in the United States because seven Supremely wrong justices decided, yet again, that all humans are [...]
The “Privilege” Of Abortion Mogul Cecile Richards
It must be nice to be untouchable by mainstream media. You can lie through those shiny white teeth and mainstream media will treat every rehearsed and distorted word like truth. […]