Mainstream Media’s Disinformation is to Die For
Earlier this year, The Washington Post, a persistent provider of disinformation warned Americans: “Doing Your Own Research Is a Good Way to End Up Being Wrong.” The Op-ed is not […]
Statement on Donald Trump’s Position on Abortion
In a contradictory and capitulating speech on abortion, candidate Donald Trump begins retreating from his strong pro-life position and policies during his Presidency. While he highlights how [...]
Biden, Transgenderism and Making Christianity More Invisible
As a President, you have to make countless difficult decisions. Choosing to celebrate Easter, the holiest Christian holiday, over LGBTQ propaganda shouldn’t have been one of them.
The Supreme Mess America’s Made of Abortion
If you ever want to see the moral and spiritual decline of America, go to a Supreme Court rally about abortion. From signs using every version of the F-bomb to […]
GOP, Stop Fearing What The Left Is Cheering!
President Joe Biden has become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief. And Vice President Kamala Harris is his megaphone.
MLK and the Grace We Don’t Deserve
We’re all flawed human beings. But we can all learn eternally valuable things from each other. Those heralded in history as our civil rights champions were no different. They had […]
“Gender Affirmation” is the New State Religion
This commentary originally appeared on The World And Everything In It. The same political party that fights to mutilate children in the womb is also waging war to mutilate children […]
Honestly, is President Biden ever honest? His pathological dishonesty has become somewhat of a punchline, but it’s not funny. He lies about nearly everything. During a commemoration of the 60th [...]
Historically-challenged Kamala Harris Gaslights a Nation
Vice President Kamala Harris, famous for her liberally tossed word salads, has become an aggressive Propagandist-in-Chief. Whether it’s abortion, racism, climate change, immigration or education, [...]
Celebrating the End of Roe
This OpEd/Commentary originally appeared in the World and Everything In It. I’ll never forget where I was on June 24, 2022. I was alone in our Radiance Foundation offices. My […]
Abortion and Endangered Species
This OpEd originally appeared on The World and Everything In It. Listen to the commentary here. Remember those truths that our founding fathers declared were “self-evident”? Generations later, [...]
Hulu’s 1619 Project: A Racist Crockumentary
Streaming platforms are desperate for content. They’ve got to feed their customer base something. Quality is hard. Garbage is easy. Hence, The 1619 Project crockumentary on (mostly) Disney-owned [...]
Chicago Tribune calls pro-life doctors "abortion pill extremists" and "disingenuous absolutists" as it absolutely lies throughout Op-ed.
The Former Slave Who Loved the Constitution
“The Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.” These words were delivered by a former slave. The all-caps emphasis was his. In an 1852 speech entitled What to the Slave is the […]
My Family is the Realization of Dr. King’s Dream
Those challenging the status quo of violence and real structural racism had every reason to reject an America that continued to fail to deliver equality. But they didn’t. They overcame instead.
Childless AOC Lectures Pro-Life Lawmakers With Children
Social media may be able to create leftist celebrity lawmakers, but they can’t imbue them with critical thinking skills. Such is the case for elected leaders like Representative Alexandria [...]
Biden’s Title IX Takeover Will Give America an Extreme Makeover
Imagine being a woman in 1972 when the Title IX Education Amendment was made law. Imagine the elation that girls and women felt when the federal government stepped in to […]
Roe Gets Aborted
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I had to keep reloading the Supreme Court’s official page. Was today finally going to be the day that justice would be done? Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Every […]
Juneteenth and the Freedom It Unleashed
#Juneteenth doesn’t belong to one group of people. It belongs to all Americans. It’s a testament to the unity of both black and white people who went to great lengths to break the chains of bondage.
Democrats: The Party of Jim Covid
The nation’s capital, one would think, would be the freest in our Constitutional Republic. That assumes, of course, the Constitution is what elected leaders uphold. As we’ve seen throughout the [...]
Boston Offers Taxpayer-funded Vacations for Abortions
Abortion is legal through all nine months in Massachusetts. Abortion is funded, for any reason, through the state’s taxpayer-funded Mass Health program. And now having an abortion qualifies [...]
Big Education Has Zero Tolerance for Informed and Involved Parents
Big Education & Biden's Department of "Justice" are threatened by informed & involved parents! The biggest threat to government-enforced lies is truth.
When the White House Lies, Unborn People Die
I love it when unintentional truths slip out even when a politico tries to suppress it. EWTN reporter Owen Jensen asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to explain a […]
The CDC and Pandemic Propaganda
Ahhhh. Barnstable County, Massachusetts. To most Americans, it has no special meaning. But when the CDC strongly “recommended” everyone wear masks indoors based on what happened there this [...]
The Pro-life Republican President Who Made Women’s History Month Possible
Women’s History Month. I’m all for it. We should celebrate anyone (like these fearless women) who has helped to positively shape the greatest nation on earth. And yes, my American exceptionalism [...]
04/07/21 UPDATE: Fox 23 News reports 4 determined to have died in the Capitol Riot. All were Trump supporters. 11/1/21 UPDATE: (you know, another mostly useless fact-checking [...]
The Racial Violence that Erupted in Obama’s and Biden’s America
I went to Ferguson shortly after all the mayhem back in 2014. I saw sections of the city burned to the ground. I talked to pastors and residents who shared […]
No, Oprah. COVID-19 is not ravaging us. Abortion is.
How is it that celebrities like Oprah see negative racial disparities in every facet of American life, except in the one industry that kills for a living? Oprah recently opined […]
Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Propaganda is Essential…for Skyrocketing Profits
Somehow the “My Body My Choice” crowd doesn’t understand the difference between an elective “choice” and essential healthcare. Likewise, federal judges who defend the supremely wrong Roe v. Wade [...]
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of God-given Rights
The tyranny of Jim Crow could not withstand the relentless non-violence of freedom fighters. It took everyday people, both black and white, to stand against a ruthless racist ideology that was [...]
Sorry, ACLU. Gay is Not the New Black.
***UPDATE: 06/04/18 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of cake artist Jack Phillips’ First Amendment rights! Read more here. No matter how many times the leftist ACLU wants to compare […]
NAACP Should Issue Travel Advisory to Planned Parenthood, the Leading Killer of Black Lives
The NAACP finds racism in every facet of American life, except for in the one industry that kills human beings for a living. But Planned Parenthood, the leading killer of unarmed black lives, has [...]
Own it. You Are Pro-Abortion, Gloria Steinem.
Ahhhh, the Huffington Post—all the fake news that’s fit to print. Pro-abortion icon, Gloria Steinem, doesn’t want to own her radical abortion activism. And leftist news outlets are more than […]
We the Sheeple, Unlimited Rights and Baaaaaaad Government
It seems we have a government who increasingly, since the establishment of this great nation, thinks that in order to ‘promote the general welfare’ it needs to generally promote welfare […]
Truth vs. “Prochoice”: Ryan Bomberger Debates Pro-Abortion Legislator and NPR
Most Americans should know by now that NPR stands for National Prochoice Radio. They rarely ever try to appear objective on abortion. This week, I was given the opportunity to debate the […]
Lincoln the Hopeful Liberator, Clinton the Hopeless Liberal
Liberal evangelicals continue their delusion that voting for Hillary Clinton is more pro-life than voting for the only party that advances pro-life legislation. Christian Post writer, Eric Sapp, [...]
The Truth About Texas’ Maternal Mortality Rates and the Epic Defunding of Planned Parenthood
Pro-abortion activists, hiding behind the (often undeserved) cloak of credibility provided by a peer-reviewed journal, made a concerted effort this week to mess with Texas. A recent study on [...]
Frederick Douglass Would Have Denounced #BlackLivesMatter Propaganda and Illuminated Truth Instead
Frederick Douglass was motivated by God to pursue absolute moral truth. Too many movements, today, are motivated by propaganda and pursue a relativist "truth".
Today’s Abolitionists Unite in One Voice to End the Violent Injustice of Abortion
Human history is filled with injustices…and victories over them. Slavery abolitionists in this country were often often defeated legally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s why many [...]
Smithsonian Determined to Celebrate Anti-Human Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger
So-called “progressives” love moving forward with their reconstructed versions of history. The taxpayer-funded Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery is supposed to be a place that [...]
Planned Parenthood’s Big Fat Three Percent Lie
***This article has been updated with the most recent statistics in 2016 from PPFA’s latest available Annual Report. It’s easy to be corrupt when you kill for a living. Does anyone really [...]
IRS: Adoption Evil, Abortion Good.
Scandal. It’s not just a sleazy TV show. It’s real life. And, lately, it’s spreading like wildfire. The IRS' targeting of adoptive families is reprehensible.