Defund and Replace Planned Parenthood. Like Right Now.
With a new Trump administration, comes a new breath of life into our national leadership and a clearer, more focused vision. Hopefully, the Republican Party can see what’s so obvious. Taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is not their friend. It needs to be defunded and replaced. And if not for moral reasons (as in they killed 392,715 innocent human lives in their last reported year), then do it for political ones.
In 2024, Planned Parenthood reported spending $69.5 million to elect Kamala Harris and other far-leftist Democrats as well as advance radical pro-abortion state ballot initiatives. Why would the Party in power (that’s you Republicans) continue to finance the abortion arm of the Democratic Party? Every year, Planned Parenthood’s presidents (like Alexis McGill Johnson and the recently deceased Cecile Richards) deliver absurd disinformation as they keynote at the annual DNC convention shilling for the Dems. In FY2023, taxpayers were forced to give $700 million to the activist group posing as a 501c3 healthcare organization despite it possessing $3 billion in assets. That same year, Planned Parenthood then funneled $16 million to one of its several 501c4 organizations – Planned Parenthood Action Fund – which is about half of that group’s annual budget. And what do they do? They spend millions to elect pro-abortion Democrats. It’s like an abused spouse financially enabling the lifestyle of the abuser.
Cut. It. Off. The money that is.
Planned Parenthood, in FY2023, spent an obscene $263.5 million on lobbying, fundraising and advertising all thanks to American taxpayers. With this massive funding, PPFA promotes its mutilation of children in and out of the womb (via abortion and transgenderism), celebrates women’s exploitation (while literally erasing the term “women” from their website), and flaunts its new back alley DIY chemical abortion mobile units (Democratic Convention or bust!). They create ads like Freedom to F*ck. And this gem about how virginity is “a made-up construct made to control and shame people”. Or this video where a woman feigning to be a “transgender male” claimed that her abortion “was the greatest act of compassion I have ever committed.” Her name is Lucky. Tragically, it should be Unlucky. She’s now getting “gender care” from Planned Parenthood, but will she be one of the many detransitioners who regret their irreversible damage and one of millions of women who regret their abortions?
Why does the federal government fund this propaganda machine? As it serves fewer and fewer people, it amasses more and more funding. Recently, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy indicated, in a Wall Street Journal Op-ed, that the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was looking at cutting off $300 million to “progressive groups like Planned Parenthood”. McGill-Johnson, predictably, falsely claimed: “Musk and Ramaswamy are making clear how they intend to use their power: denying people care and wreaking havoc on our public health system.”
Really, defunding Planned Parenthood would “wreak havoc” on our public health system? On an annual basis, Planned Parenthood serves only three percent of women of reproductive age (ages 15-44), and that’s ONLY if we assume every single one of the 2.05 million patients are women (which they’re not). It’s likely much closer to less than two percent of women nationwide.
McGill-Johnson, who receives nearly a $1 million a year salary, continued with the fear appeal: “Care will disappear if they get their way.”
Care didn’t disappear in Texas when Planned Parenthood was defunded. It actually increased through the Health Texas Women program, expanding funding to far more medical resources. The program states: “The program provides women’s health and family planning services at no cost to eligible, low-income Texas women.”
And care won’t “disappear” across America. It would actually significantly increase. Planned Parenthood mismanages money to advance their political, rather than medical, goals. And there’s zero government oversight. Community Health Centers, or federally qualified health centers, provide far more healthcare services in thousands more locations: 15,000 clinics versus Planned Parenthood’s 600 abortion centers. In 2023, CHCs served 32.5 million patients which is 16 times more served than at PPFA.
During the first Trump administration, when threatened with defunding, Planned Parenthood proclaimed in a 2017 press release: “No, community health centers cannot absorb Planned Parenthood patients.” Really? That year, Community Health Centers served 27.1 million patients. In their last reported year (2023), they served 5.4 million more patients. They can handle more patients. They do every single year. The funding disparity, however, between Planned Parenthood and Community Health Centers is shocking. Despite CHCs outnumbering PPFA centers 25 to 1, the abortion giant receives a hugely disproportionate amount of funding — $700 million vs $4.4 billion for CHCs. This equates an alarming 4 to 1 ratio with $1,166,666 for each PPFA location versus only $293,333 per individual community health center. Also, every major medical service to women has been plummeting at Planned Parenthood by 54%-68%. This includes pap tests, manual breast exams and prenatal care.
Yes. Those seeking real healthcare can be served more effectively with a combination of more federally qualified health centers and pro-life pregnancy medical clinics like Stanton Healthcare and Obria Clinics. More health. Less hype.
Republicans, see what’s right in front of you. Let DOGE do some housecleaning and take out the political trash. If you want to fund medical services for Americans, increase funding to Community Health Centers and life-affirming medical resources. If you want to prevent an activist wing of the DNC from grossly misinforming voters and filling the coffers of Democratic candidates, do yourself a favor: don’t fund your enemy. Defund and replace Planned Parenthood.