Defund and Replace Planned Parenthood. Like Right Now.
With a new Trump administration, comes a new breath of life into our national leadership and a clearer, more focused vision. Hopefully, the Republican Party can see what’s so obvious. […]
Mainstream Media’s Disinformation is to Die For
Earlier this year, The Washington Post, a persistent provider of disinformation warned Americans: “Doing Your Own Research Is a Good Way to End Up Being Wrong.” The Op-ed is not […]
The Battle I Never Thought I’d Fight
This OpEd also appears on Townhall and Christian Post. I’ve fought many battles in my life. I fought the lie that I wasn’t meant to be as an adoptee. I […]
Mother. It’s a word that invokes the deepest of emotions for both the woman and her child (whether biological, adopted or step). None of us would be here without her. […]
Statement on Donald Trump’s Position on Abortion
In a contradictory and capitulating speech on abortion, candidate Donald Trump begins retreating from his strong pro-life position and policies during his Presidency. While he highlights how [...]
The Supreme Mess America’s Made of Abortion
If you ever want to see the moral and spiritual decline of America, go to a Supreme Court rally about abortion. From signs using every version of the F-bomb to […]
GOP, Stop Fearing What The Left Is Cheering!
President Joe Biden has become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief. And Vice President Kamala Harris is his megaphone.
“Gender Affirmation” is the New State Religion
This commentary originally appeared on The World And Everything In It. The same political party that fights to mutilate children in the womb is also waging war to mutilate children […]
Rare, Legal and Very Early In Pregnancy?
In June 2022, our nation was given an opportunity to reassess decades of needless human destruction. The Supreme Court reversed its ruling in Roe v. Wade that unborn human beings […]
America’s Unsung Heroes: Pregnancy Help Centers
This is an exclusive column for The World And Everything In It. It’s available as an audio commentary here. I’ve had the blessing of working with hundreds of pregnancy […]
Chicago Tribune calls pro-life doctors "abortion pill extremists" and "disingenuous absolutists" as it absolutely lies throughout Op-ed.
Walgreens and CVS: Your Neighborhood Abortion Drug Dealers
Local pharmacy giants, Walgreens and CVS, are now your neighborhood abortion drug dealers. Thanks to the FDA – a taxpayer-funded federal agency where 46% of its budget in 2022 was supplied by [...]
Planned Parenthood Makes a Killing During the Pandemic
“We are essential.” This is the bogus refrain we heard from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) throughout the height of the COVID pandemic. While businesses were [...]
Elizabeth Warren Gone Wild…for Abortion
Elizabeth Warren hates choice. The radically pro-abortion Senator has launched a bizarre crusade against her own gender. She doesn’t trust women to have any other option than abortion.
“Pro-Choice” Has Always Been a Fraud
Euphemisms are always meant to sound true, not be true. In fact, they intentionally try to prevent people from knowing the truth. Reproductive Freedom. Women’s Healthcare. Reproductive Justice. [...]
Don’t. Erase. Women.
No one needs to be a biologist to know what a woman is. Only progressives, who mangle language and deny basic science, pretend they don't know the obvious.
You Can’t Make History Unless You’re Born
“Seven million women died last year because they didn’t have access to abortion.” This was the absurd claim by a pro-abortion activist testifying in opposition to Nebraska’s Legislative Bill (LB) [...]
Boston Offers Taxpayer-funded Vacations for Abortions
Abortion is legal through all nine months in Massachusetts. Abortion is funded, for any reason, through the state’s taxpayer-funded Mass Health program. And now having an abortion qualifies [...]
When the White House Lies, Unborn People Die
I love it when unintentional truths slip out even when a politico tries to suppress it. EWTN reporter Owen Jensen asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to explain a […]
The CDC and Pandemic Propaganda
Ahhhh. Barnstable County, Massachusetts. To most Americans, it has no special meaning. But when the CDC strongly “recommended” everyone wear masks indoors based on what happened there this [...]
I Nearly Died. God Had Different Plans.
Last week I nearly died. It sounds dramatic. And it was. A week ago Monday, I was rushed to the hospital unable to breathe. I had suffered a pulmonary embolism resulting in blood clots to my [...]
No, Oprah. COVID-19 is not ravaging us. Abortion is.
How is it that celebrities like Oprah see negative racial disparities in every facet of American life, except in the one industry that kills for a living? Oprah recently opined […]
Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Propaganda is Essential…for Skyrocketing Profits
Somehow the “My Body My Choice” crowd doesn’t understand the difference between an elective “choice” and essential healthcare. Likewise, federal judges who defend the supremely wrong Roe v. Wade [...]
Coronavirus, Chaos and Compassion
If there’s one thing we’ve learned so far from our nation’s reaction to COVID-19, is that human life is worth protecting. I marvel at the extraordinary measures taken and money […]
Planned Parenthood President Lies Again, Defends Eugenicist Margaret Sanger
This article was originally posted in September 2019. It has been updated in March 2021. Denial. It’s a multi-billion-dollar business. And Planned Parenthood’s newest President—Alexis McGill [...]
Abortion is #fakehealth.
Only in the world of abortion activism is violently induced death considered healthcare. Fake feminism has led millions to believe that justice is when the strong prevail over the weak. […]
We the Sheeple, Unlimited Rights and Baaaaaaad Government
It seems we have a government who increasingly, since the establishment of this great nation, thinks that in order to ‘promote the general welfare’ it needs to generally promote welfare […]
The Christian Post has allowed a Democrat operative to shill for Planned Parenthood-funded Hillary Clinton, who rivals Barack Obama as the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in history. I’m [...]
The Truth About Texas’ Maternal Mortality Rates and the Epic Defunding of Planned Parenthood
Pro-abortion activists, hiding behind the (often undeserved) cloak of credibility provided by a peer-reviewed journal, made a concerted effort this week to mess with Texas. A recent study on [...]
Planned Parenthood’s #PinkOut Celebration Was a Truth Blackout
Planned Parenthood loves to celebrate its dishonest self. With nearly 100 years of public deception and pseudoscientific propaganda under its bloody belt, what’s another nationwide ad [...]
Planned Parenthood’s Big Fat Three Percent Lie
***This article has been updated with the most recent statistics in 2016 from PPFA’s latest available Annual Report. It’s easy to be corrupt when you kill for a living. Does anyone really [...]
Hang Up the Hangers
Liberal feminists need to hang up the hanger myths. Planned Parenthood disproved this bumper sticker favorite back in 1959, declaring that illegal "abortion is no longer a dangerous [...]