Patriotism and Pride
Originally published in May 2021. Still just as true today. 06/17/24 UPDATE: 24 Hr Fitness tells employees they can wear anything #LGBTQ or #BLM all year round. The U.S. Flag […]
The Battle I Never Thought I’d Fight
This OpEd also appears on Townhall and Christian Post. I’ve fought many battles in my life. I fought the lie that I wasn’t meant to be as an adoptee. I […]
Biden, Transgenderism and Making Christianity More Invisible
As a President, you have to make countless difficult decisions. Choosing to celebrate Easter, the holiest Christian holiday, over LGBTQ propaganda shouldn’t have been one of them.
Easter: The Moment Jesus Changed Everything
This column originally appeared on Townhall. I’m a creative professional who loves creating stuff that’s fearless, factual and freeing…with the emphasis on freeing. I, along [...]
#HeGetsUs Doesn’t Get Him
This column originally appeared on Townhall. Over a hundred million people, worldwide, watched the SuperBowl. Many, like me, are more interested in the commercials than the actual game. As [...]
Mary Was A She
She matters. Without a ‘she’ and a ‘he’, we wouldn’t be ‘we’. They wouldn’t be ‘they’. You and I wouldn’t be. Period. We live in a culture that is increasingly […]
Celebrating the End of Roe
This OpEd/Commentary originally appeared in the World and Everything In It. I’ll never forget where I was on June 24, 2022. I was alone in our Radiance Foundation offices. My […]
Mary Was a She
She matters. Without a ‘she’ and a ‘he’, we wouldn’t be we. They wouldn’t be they. You and I wouldn’t be. Period. We live in a culture that is increasingly […]
The Former Slave Who Loved the Constitution
“The Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.” These words were delivered by a former slave. The all-caps emphasis was his. In an 1852 speech entitled What to the Slave is the […]
My Family is the Realization of Dr. King’s Dream
Those challenging the status quo of violence and real structural racism had every reason to reject an America that continued to fail to deliver equality. But they didn’t. They overcame instead.
Abortion is Slavery.
Since the Dobbs decision was released, supremely correcting a supremely wrong Roe decision, the Left has become even more unhinged. Sadly, not unshackled. The amount of mental and rhetorical [...]
Roe Gets Aborted
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I had to keep reloading the Supreme Court’s official page. Was today finally going to be the day that justice would be done? Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Every […]
Juneteenth and the Freedom It Unleashed
#Juneteenth doesn’t belong to one group of people. It belongs to all Americans. It’s a testament to the unity of both black and white people who went to great lengths to break the chains of bondage.
The Tragedy of Uvalde and the Toxicity of Politics
What a bizarre juxtaposition. On one hand, many rightfully demand protection for vulnerable school children from abhorrent violence. On the other, many wrongfully demand the removal of protection [...]
You Can’t Make History Unless You’re Born
“Seven million women died last year because they didn’t have access to abortion.” This was the absurd claim by a pro-abortion activist testifying in opposition to Nebraska’s Legislative Bill (LB) [...]
Five Crucial Lessons Mainstream Media Won’t Give You for Black History Month
Biologically, I’m black and white. As an adoptee with brown skin from a very diverse family, I’m grateful that my mother (who happens to have skin much lighter than mine) […]
Democrats: The Party of Jim Covid
The nation’s capital, one would think, would be the freest in our Constitutional Republic. That assumes, of course, the Constitution is what elected leaders uphold. As we’ve seen throughout the [...]
Bethany Christian Services: All Whites Are Racist
Bethany Christian Services proudly promotes placing vulnerable children in same-sex homes but thinks placing black and brown children in "white" homes can be "dangerous." The once-great adoption [...]
A Letter to My Dad–An Adoptive Father of Thirteen
My father loved those that others abandoned. He could've lived a "normal" life but lived an extraordinary one instead.
Sorry Reverend Raphael Warnock. You Can’t Serve God and Planned Parenthood.
Tired of fake Christian Pastors? So am I. I’m particularly put off by those who run for office in the U.S. Congress dressed in sheep’s clothing but are really just […]
I Nearly Died. God Had Different Plans.
Last week I nearly died. It sounds dramatic. And it was. A week ago Monday, I was rushed to the hospital unable to breathe. I had suffered a pulmonary embolism resulting in blood clots to my [...]
Christ Before Color
If you’re recommending friends and family listen to the world instead of the Word…redirect.
NAACP and Anti-Defamation League Don’t Believe We’re All Created Equal
Life is filled with irony. Last year “feminists” were celebrating women’s equality declaring #TheFutureIsFemale; now men can be “women” merely by saying so. Smart phones provide more access to [...]
Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
APRIL 2021: UPDATED SOME LINKS (BECAUSE BLM HAS PURGED SOME OF THEIR WEBPAGES) AND SOME STATISTICS. Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I […]
Mama of Mixed Kids: We’re One Human Race
A Facebook moment from Bethany Bomberger, co-founder of The Radiance Foundation: “Took this almost-a-teenager out for some mama time. Included some sesame chicken, lots of laughs and some [...]
Ahmaud Arbery, LeBron James and Blamestream Media
You can't fight (alleged or actual) racism with more...racism. You can't denounce prejudice and the violence that accompanies it with more...prejudice.
Christianity Today—which relies on the name of its founder Billy Graham but increasingly not his wisdom or character—has called for the removal of President Donald Trump because of his “immoral [...]
COWardice and Capitulation: Some Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds
There’s a lot of talk about Chick-fil-A. Most of it is generated by the #fakenews establishment that wants nothing more than to demonize an organization that, historically, has publicly professed [...]
I am the 1 percent used to justify 100 percent of abortions
Exploiting rape has always been the go-to for fake feminism. #Roe began as a lie about rape. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) was never raped & her child was not aborted, but adopted and loved instead.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of God-given Rights
The tyranny of Jim Crow could not withstand the relentless non-violence of freedom fighters. It took everyday people, both black and white, to stand against a ruthless racist ideology that was [...]
Earthly Moms, Heavenly Purpose
Former single mom of one, now married mom of four (Bethany Bomberger, co-founder of The Radiance Foundation) shares her heart about earthly moms and heavenly purpose.
Sorry, ACLU. Gay is Not the New Black.
***UPDATE: 06/04/18 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of cake artist Jack Phillips’ First Amendment rights! Read more here. No matter how many times the leftist ACLU wants to compare […]
Charlottesville, Chaos and Confederate Statues
Note: Quote in video is from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1967 powerful speech, “Where Do We Go From Here”, delivered 50 years ago this month. Hear entire speech here. […]
The Courageous Pro-Life Women Who Fight For Real Equality
What is feminism? If you asked people on the street, the most common response is “equality.” Yet at the darkened heart of today’s fake feminism, there is no equality because […]
The Courage of Prolife Factivists
We have to love people enough to tell them the truth. That’s real courage. Love illuminates. Love isn’t factophobic; it sets people free, enabling them to break away from the sin that used to [...]
Lincoln the Hopeful Liberator, Clinton the Hopeless Liberal
Liberal evangelicals continue their delusion that voting for Hillary Clinton is more pro-life than voting for the only party that advances pro-life legislation. Christian Post writer, Eric Sapp, [...]
The Christian Post has allowed a Democrat operative to shill for Planned Parenthood-funded Hillary Clinton, who rivals Barack Obama as the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in history. I’m [...]
Planned Parenthood, Leader in Violence Against Humans, Defends Islamic Terrorism
I’m used to Planned Parenthood saying and tweeting idiotic things. I’ve also come to expect that mainstream media will ignore the lunacy of this taxpayer-funded activist group. Before I get […]
Pro-choice Activists Say I Should Have Been Aborted. I Was Adopted and Loved Instead.
Today’s my birthday. El Cinco de Ry-o is what we call it in my house. My friends and family get to celebrate that I was born. But I almost never […]
Islamophobia? No. It’s Factophobia.
Islamic terrorism goes back centuries. It’s not fear of Islam that drives many to denounce such violence. It’s humanity.
Today’s Abolitionists Unite in One Voice to End the Violent Injustice of Abortion
Human history is filled with injustices…and victories over them. Slavery abolitionists in this country were often often defeated legally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s why many [...]
Jesus Claus and Santa Christ
Many of America’s churches, sadly, lead in the superficialization of the most sacred of holidays by delivering an enticingly packaged Christ, all year round, who might as well be Santa. He’s been [...]
Outrage: Christianity Today Mag Wants to Reconsider Margaret Sanger By Ignoring History
Christianity Today, founded by none other than Billy Graham, is not only the name of a popular magazine/global ministry source for Evangelicals, it’s a phrase that makes one wonder: “What […]