Boston Offers Taxpayer-funded Vacations for Abortions
Abortion is legal through all nine months in Massachusetts.
Abortion is funded, for any reason, through the state’s taxpayer-funded Mass Health program.
And now having an abortion qualifies Bostonians for a taxpayer-funded vacation “parental leave.”
The Boston City Council just voted for a bizarre bill that equates abortion with giving birth, adoption, and the heart-wrenching and unintentional loss of a child through stillbirth or miscarriage. Twelve of the thirteen council members, including Boston’s new radically “progressive” pro-abortion mayor, Michelle Wu, voted to allow women and men to take 12 weeks off work for an abortion. And that leave is unlimited. Have 2 abortions? You’re eligible for two 12-week parental leaves in one calendar year. Have 3? Well, you get the tragic picture.
Eleven of the thirteen Boston City Council members are all endorsed (here and here) by Planned Parenthood. So, it’s not surprising to see the radicalism coming out of that government body. But it’s tragic for the thousands aborted and women exploited in the Boston area.
Planned Parenthood, for years, has compared abortion to having a tooth pulled. The abortion giant, falsely claims that the violence of abortion (which always kills at least one human life) is “safer than a tooth extraction.” Funny. I don’t recall any support groups for pulled teeth or women in solemn assemblies at the Supreme Court holding placards reading: “I regret my tooth extraction.”
Planned Parenthood is a master in euphemisms. Today’s buzz phrase is “abortion is healthcare.” Sure. As one with brown skin, perhaps I’ve been seeing slavery in all the wrong light. Filtered through fake feminism, chattel slavery was simply jobcare! Euphemisms try to hide the evil we’re unwilling to see. The truth, as revealed in peer-reviewed study after study, is that abortion is fake health.
There’s no consistency from pro-abortion activism. Planned Parenthood states on its website that “most people feel relief after abortion.” Then why does anyone need to take up to 12 weeks off? Planned Parenthood increasingly refuses to even acknowledge women but refers to “pregnant people.” Yet, the leftist Boston City Council’s amendment acknowledges males and females. Guess binary gender is a thing.
Abortion is a devastating and destructive act. As with any act of injustice, it has a stigma to it. Violence always should. I’m grateful for the post-abortion counseling that exists in-person at local pregnancy centersand online for women and men. I know so many whose lives have been devastated by the lie of “choice.” Pro-abortion politicians and activists want to pretend that abortion’s NBD (No Big Deal) but then pretend it’s worthy of 3 months of time off to reflect. It’s just a clump of cells. It’s just, as Planned Parenthood calls the destroyed child, “pregnancy tissue.” It’s just something to clown around about. Right SNL?
In Massachusetts, there were 18,593 abortions in 2019. Each one was tragic. Each one erased a unique human being. Each one left behind many scarred mothers and fathers. Planned Parenthood participated in 55% or 10,226 of those deaths.
Boston’s extremist leadership has declared: “The [Boston City Council] Body calls on the House of Representatives and the United States Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act [legislation far more radical than the supremely wrong Roe ruling] without further delay and urges President Biden [the most pro-abortion President in American history] to swiftly sign the Women’s Health Protection Act into law and continue to use the full power of the Presidency [aka dictate through Executive Orders] to affirm reproductive rights and justice for all.”
There’s no justice for all when nearly 20,000 are unjustly killed in the Bay State in one year—over 860,000 annually nationwide—by needless reproductive violence. It’s why my organization, The Radiance Foundation, just launched a bold billboard campaign in the Boston area to challenge the injustice and the fraud of “reproductive rights.” Our campaign declares on multiple billboards: “Protect Every Body”, “Love Over Fear”, and “Justice for All.” Each image has a baby in utero in the ‘O’ to remind Bostonians that all means all. The website highlights the local pregnancy help resources (pregnancy medical clinics, maternity homes, and adoption agencies) that offer compassion instead of confusion.
As an adoptive father, I support limited parental leave to celebrate the birth and/or the adoption of children. Giving parents time off to grieve the loss of their child due to stillbirths or miscarriages rightfully acknowledges the often-unspoken pain. Pretending that the intentional act of elective abortion deserves the same treatment diminishes parenthood. It diminishes our humanity.
But, maybe, the law of unintended consequences will illuminate the truth about abortion’s devastation. Maybe a heart will be stirred when given the time to think about what the abortion industry always wants women and men to rush into—an irreversible decision that erases an irreplaceable life with purpose.