Turn the Unplanned Into a Loving Plan

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AdoptedandLoved.com will finally launch Tuesday, November 19th.

Adoption is an act of love, hope and justice. Too often, it is rarely discussed as the powerful life-affirming alternative to abortion. And sadly, the positive experiences of adoptees are drowned out by media’s adoration of abortion “rights”. Planned Parenthood’s numbers reveal it has no interest in “choice”. It aborts 145 babies for every one woman who is referred for adoption, according to its latest annual report. But they aren’t the only ones to blame. The American public needs to be exposed to the beauty of adoption, stories that pierce the false narratives and scare tactics from the nation’s largest abortion industry and liberal media. Although we’ve been propagandized that the world is overpopulated and “unplanned” children are a burden, reality tells a different story.

Preview one of our new videos included in the Nov 19th launch of our new adoption awareness initiative, called “ONE IN 7 BILLION”!

AdoptedandLoved.com simply lets adoptees tell how they’ve been adopted and loved, in their own words. No politics…no hype…just moving video vignettes that give voice to those spared from abortion. Powerful stories will touch expectant mothers and fathers who may not be ready to be parents. AdoptedandLoved.com helps those who’ve never considered adoption, or been told about it, to see how it changes lives, unleashes purpose, and allows birthparents to positively shape their own futures. These beautiful adoptee-centered videos will also serve as powerful tools of influence for any pro-life, pro-family, or church resource that wants to help educate others about the beauty of adoption. Working with RealOptions Medical Pregnancy Clinics of California and Bethany Christian Services, The Radiance Foundation created the initial “Adopted and Love” spots (such as “Meet Jonny Moses” embedded below) which can be very inexpensively licensed (just $500 per spot) by other life-affirming organizations such as pregnancy care centers, churches, and pro-family organizations here. All proceeds benefit the incredible work of RealOptions and Bethany. We’re excited to share more to the stories of Jonny Moses, Mina, Sam and Destiny.

Initiative launches Tuesday, November 19, 2013.

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Showing 10 comments
  • Gayle

    Awesome. Can’t wait to see more.

  • Sara Vela

    I would like to help, God has put a special place in my heart for orphan children and I know one day I will adopt a child. For now though I would love to help.

  • Greg Clements

    I really love your idea. I was adopted and loved also. As a product of an affair, I have to thank God and my birth mother for giving me life, and my adopted family for giving me unconditional love. I will be making a donation, but if there are other ways I can help, please let me know. Thanks for doing this…

  • Melanie

    Amazing!! Can’t wait for the launch!!

  • Kim Schams

    Thank you for this amazing work. As an adoptive mom of 2 boys through open adoption, I began a ministry to support women like my sons’ birthmothers in 1997. Over the past 2-3 years our region has seen an increase of negative attitudes and shame cast toward women who choose adoption. Your have been called for such a time as this! I am looking forward to partnering with you.

  • Jaime

    I was saved from an abortion and was adopted at the age of 6 weeks old. Is there somewhere we can share our stories?

  • The Radiance Foundation

    ANYONE wanting to share their adoption story should send them to [email protected]. THANK YOU!!!

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