***The Radiance Foundation does not endorse any political candidate, but we do endorse historical accuracy.***
A lot has changed in the 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation. Despite the rhetoric from many liberals’ mouths that “nothing has changed”, we have a president of mixed racial lineage in the White House. From slavery to the presidency, many barriers have been overcome since President Abraham Lincoln issued a monumental declaration that changed the course of history.
Now, it seems, the Democrat party wants to simply change, or rather revise, history. The Democrat National Committee recently created a website,, touting the GOP’s “threat” to voting rights. Never mind, it was the Republican party that introduced and passed the 15th Amendment, guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”. Democrats voted unanimously against the landmark bill. This microsite was launched to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

The Radiance Foundation calls out the Democrat Party’s blatant dishonesty about America’s Civil Rights struggle.
On August 24th, Al Sharpton and a host of pro-abortion, union, Black Nationalist, and gay rights groups (who all adamantly support the discrimination against the unborn) will march on Washington to “commemorate” the historic original event. The Democrat party, once the party of the dehumanizing institution of slavery, is now (unapologetically) the party of the dehumanizing industry of abortion. NARAL, NOW, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Feminist Majority Foundation, and Planned Parenthood are partners in this deviated effort of “civil rights”. (I can’t help but laugh at the logo included on Sharpton’s website for Jesse Jackson’s RAINBOW PU$H COALITION. Apparently, their web designer didn’t notice they snagged an altered, but accurate, version of the logo.) Sharpton is no Martin Luther King. MLK’s dream didn’t envision freedom through governmental dependency, redefining marriage, generational poverty, epidemic fatherlessness, transgendered bathrooms, racial division, less religious liberty, and over 55 million aborted. Preaching victimhood and intolerance, this “anniversary” event sadly will not reflect the greatness that occurred 50 years ago. Even Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, expressed that she can’t have anything to do with Sharpton’s event because it has little to do with the principles that her uncle stood and died for.
Voting rights do matter. Civil Rights do matter. But truth matters even more.

Democrat Party makes outrageous claims about Civil Rights history on their official website from 2005-2011.
It’s one thing to have a two-party system where there are deep ideological chasms between the two parties. It’s quite another to have one party falsely, and absurdly, claiming the mantle of the other. There’s no mention, throughout the Voting Rights site, that Lincoln was a Republican, or that Republicans abolished slavery, or that Republicans were the ones to protect blacks’ civil rights and oversee the Reconstruction of the South (although ending, tragically, in Republican President Hayes and the Democrat party’s deal to withdraw all federal troops from the South), or that Republicans were the ones who overwhelmingly passed the 19th Amendment. It was Republicans, thanks to the 14th Amendment, who made people of my complexion, American. Yes. These are inconvenient truths for the Democrat political machine whose media and university “academic” allies help them reshape the Democrats’ past.
From 2005-2011, had the audacity to claim: “…we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws…On every Civil Rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.” The Radiance Foundation has created a Civil Rights Timeline factsheet that exposes how absurdly false this is. The quote needs to be filed under the ‘lie of the century’.
It was Democrats who passed every “black code” and Jim Crow law further dehumanizing recently emancipated slaves. The Civil Rights Act of 1871, known as the Ku Klux Klan Act, was passed by the GOP and unanimously voted against by Democrats. This act sought to end the terrorist violence and murder by the KKK of black and white Republicans. Nothing says voter suppression like a cross burning in your yard or a lynching. But the Democrat party, desperate to rewrite its DNA of racial division and oppression, has created a scapegoat for its own failures—the Republicans.
Even anti-lynching legislation, such as Republican Leonidas Dyer’s 1918 bill, couldn’t get Democrat support. In 1922, the Republican-controlled House passed the anti-lynching bill only for the legislation to die in the Senate because Democrats wouldn’t allow a vote. Lack of political fortitude allowed the bill to languish for years, with Congress failing to pass such vital legislation to protect American citizens from such heinous scare tactics. is just another, albeit milder, scare tactic painting the GOP as the party that wants to take away our precious right to vote.
Voter ID laws, far from the poll taxes, literacy tests and violence of the Democrat party, actually protect our right to vote. In states where Voter ID laws have passed, minority voting has only increased. In Indiana and Georgia, for instance, voting among black voters increased 8% and 6% respectively. The ACLU, in a failed effort to sue the state of Georgia for alleged “voter suppression”, had its case dropped by a federal judge. Why? Because the ACLU couldn’t produce one single black voter who was unable to vote due to Georgia’s new Voter ID law.
We’ll hear a lot about voter suppression during this weekend’s event. Though liberals won’t make the common sense connection, abortion is the ultimate form of voter suppression. Imagine the political power of the black community that hasn’t been robbed of over 15 million voters, violently eliminated before birth.
Not one mainstream media outlet has taken the DNC’s historical trip of fantasy to task. Not one major news network has challenged their blatantly false Voting Rights Matter presentation.
It’s up to us. We can choose to seek and know the truth, or continue to be manipulated by those with a perpetual agenda to be re-elected and in control. We can choose to be the victims that liberals so desperately need, or the victors who reject today’s self-proclaimed “civil rights” movement. We need to know the difference—regardless of race or ethnicity—between being empowered and being fooled by those in power.
[…] trying to hijack the Civil Rights Movement (as seen last summer during Al Sharpton’s disgraceful 50th Anniversary March on Washington event). Almost amusingly, Planned Parenthood states: “Stronger together, we are fighting to end […]
[…] an event sponsored by the ever-race-baiting National Action Network (Rev. Al Sharpton’s group), Ms. Johnson served as a panelist and claimed that prolife efforts are […]
[…] an event sponsored by the ever-race-baiting National Action Network (Rev. Al Sharpton’s group), Ms. Johnson served as a panelist and claimed that prolife efforts […]
[…] an event sponsored by the ever-race-baiting National Action Network (Rev. Al Sharpton’s group), Ms. Johnson served as a panelist and claimed that prolife efforts […]
[…] NAACP’s William Barber III) seek awards from the nation’s largest abortion chain…as long as pro-abortion race hucksters hijack the civil rights movement…as long as those with the power to effect change choose apathy […]
[…] William Barber III) seek awards from the nation’s largest abortion chain…as long as pro-abortion race hucksters hijack the civil rights movement…as long as those with the power to effect change choose […]
[…] Stop Killing The Dream […]
[…] Stop Killing The Dream […]
[…] to violate the civil rights legislation. Interestingly, Democrats boast (falsely) of how they’ve “worked to pass every civil rights law” in this country. The vote tallies for the Voting Rights Act of 1965 don’t mesh with mainstream […]
[…] and passed by Republicans. Democrats unanimously voted against each and every one, despite claims to the contrary. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 (which basically re-emerged as the Civil Rights Act […]
[…] Stop Killing The Dream […]
[…] no different than many other political collectives (like the NAACP, Urban League, and Sharpton’s National Action Network) who rarely represent the real needs of their constituents. Because they add a racial component […]
[…] Stop Killing The Dream […]
[…] either completely ignorant of Jim Crow history or, more likely, desperately trying to recast a racist history that is largely owned by the Democrat party. Poll taxes and literacy tests were the stuff of the […]
You are spot on . Keep on telling the truth, trailblazer. It will be heard.
nicely done. Have you ever read the series, “God’s Plan for America” by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. Three books: The Light and the Glory, From Sea to Shining Sea and Sounding Forth the Trumpet. May be the best books on American History around.
I’m in the 3rd book right now and there is much discussion about slavery. Not only should we be horrified by what was done to these people once they were brought to America, but the actual journey across the ocean gives me nightmares. I won’t spoil the read for you, I highly recommend it, but be prepared to be shocked to the core. It makes my blood freeze with the fear these men, women and children had to endure before ever being forced to do a days labor.