In news

The Radiance Foundation was featured at this year’s largest youth prolife conference, The Students For Life Annual Conference in Washington, DC. I was featured as a keynote speaker to address adoption and how to present it to college students. I addressed 2000 student leaders from across the country with the presentation: Real Life Juno–Adoption & The Power of Possibility.

I also had the immense privilege of speaking with Dr. Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.) as we presented a workshop on Abortion and Its Impact in the Black Community. The Radiance Foundation’s abortion awareness website,, provides a lot of the historical and statistical context that was discussed in this powerful workshop.

In this cultural war, where over 50 million have been slain in the name of “choice”, no demographic is more impacted than the black community which disproportionately represents the highest rates of abortion. We mourn the loss of any life (woman or child) from abortion, and emphasize the existence of many material, emotional, and spiritual resources that offer life-affirming solutions instead of the destruction of hope and possibility.

May every one of our efforts spur hearts and minds to be stirred to positive, powerful and peaceful action!

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