Trayvon’s Death and the Blaxploitation of the “Right to Life”
Trayvon’s exploited and tragic death is not about race but about bolstering a false ideology and justifying misdirected violent behavior.
Late last Saturday the verdict on the Zimmerman trial, made frontpage news by mainstream media, declared: “Not Guilty.” Trayvon Martin’s death and the perversion of justice that now seeks more death (e.g. Facebook and Twitter posts calling for Zimmerman to be murdered) illuminate the potent ability of news media to shape a nation’s perception.
Invoking Dr. Martin Luther King, talk show host Tavis Smiley asserted on ABC’s “This Week”: “Zimmerman knew nothing of Trayvon Martin’s character. All he saw was color.” Apparently color didn’t stop him or mainstream media from depicting this tragedy as a white-on-black…sorry….”white Hispanic”-on-black-crime.
The death of black men, according to racialists like Smiley, Jackson, and Sharpton is due to racism. Calling Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” enables perpetuating the false narrative that black males mostly die at the hands of white men. As someone who is as black as Obama (does that make me a “white black”?), my heart is to see a nation engaged in healthy conversation about race and constructive action. This is not it.
There can’t be helpful national dialogue unless there’s context. According to the FBI, a larger percentage of white victims of firearm homicide are killed by black offenders (14%) than black victims killed by white offenders (7.2%). That’s twice the murder rate. To add further clarity, 91% of the 2,695 black victims of firearm homicide in 2011 were killed by other blacks—91%. Yet somehow, Trayvon’s death is exalted as representing racism and “gun control” failure in our country. Hoodies popped up everywhere in a visceral reaction to an exploited case that doesn’t reflect reality.
Who was willing to riot for the other 11,078 homicides, where a hugely disproportionate percentage of offenders were black (considering blacks are 13.1% of the population yet 37.7% of the assailants while whites are 78% of the population and responsible for 32.5% of all homicides). Where’s the media’s demand for racial justice? The CDC reports the rate of firearm deaths among whites, in 2010, was 1.93 per 100,000 people. Among blacks, this was 10.5 times higher, at 20.35 per 100,000. Who is mourning this black-on-black violence with a March, press conference, new rap single, or moments of silence at concerts?
Too many want emotion and no evidence.
The faux outrage from liberals over racial violence reveals itself when repeated occurrences involve black-on-white or black-on-black violence. These planned events are regurgitated incessantly in 24-hour news cycles. They barely, if at all, get mentioned by national news outlets. When flash mobs of black teens threatened others in violent acts across the country, local news media mostly blacked out race from any description. Noted economist, social theorist and author Thomas Sowell, who is black, called this deplorable flash mob behavior “social degeneration”. From Wisconsin to Philadelphia to DC to Virginia Beach, these increasing acts of racially motivated behavior don’t seem to alarm the senses of the race hucksters who cry racism at every chance. Tens of thousands of black students (mostly college) descended upon Virginia Beach this past April as part of an urban BeachWeekVA event which resulted in 3 shootings, 2 stabbings, three robberies, 181 arrests, and over 300 (mostly unanswered) 911 calls in one night.
There are plenty of black families, teenagers, and young adults who are appalled at this behavior. These violent teens do not represent all black Americans. Their actions, to our nation’s detriment, are excused and hidden by institutions that should be exposing this fatal behavior and put youth crime into perspective. Demonizing Zimmerman allows the focus to be diverted from the far larger epidemic of violence plaguing our teens in America’s urban settings.
Here is where so much of this intersects: fatherlessness. The Radiance Foundation addresses this loss in numerous speaking events and ad campaigns. According to the Department of Justice, youth in homes with single unmarried heads of household are nearly 4 times more likely to experience higher rates of serious violent crime than those living in a two-parent married home. Nearly 73% of all black children are born into homes without fathers. Father absence has been killing the black community for decades. But you won’t see the victim evangelists out there talking about that. The National Action Network? Nope. The Urban League? Nope. The Congressional Black Caucus? Nope. There are plenty of references to “pipeline to prison”, unemployment and alleged voter suppression by these groups but no mention, at all, of the epidemic of fatherlessness.

“Civil Rights” groups will cry racism in every other facet of American life except at the one institution that kills for a living.
And these groups are some of the most ardent supporters of an industry that encourages fatherlessness–the abortion industry. More black babies are aborted than are born alive in NYC, home of Planned Parenthood, enabling the city’s males to avoid becoming men. In response to the verdict, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization called the “Right to Life” the most fundamental right. Of course, that doesn’t apply to the unborn, black-on-black violence or women killed by abortionists. Planned Parenthood even tweeted, in response to the Zimmerman’s acquittal: “In the wake of the tragic Trayvon Martin case, Dr. King’s words ring especially true: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The nation’s largest abortion chain, which disproportionately kills black babies up to 6 times more than the majority population (as in NYC), has the audacity to invoke words about justice from a prolife Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
So-called civil rights organizations are calling on the Department of Justice to bring federal charges against a Hispanic man whose lawyers convinced an all-women jury (so much for the “Trust Women!” mantra) that it was an act of self-defense. Yet, why didn’t the nation’s oldest (selective) civil rights organization–so eager to blame racism–demand justice for Odin Lloyd? Where was the march and the publicized national outrage for the death of Odin, a young black man? He was allegedly killed by a “white Hispanic”, too. (NFL’s Aaron Hernandez is Puerto Rican, Irish and Italian).
Our hearts go out to the Martin and Zimmerman families. Tragically, Trayvon has become a statistic. And it would be a miracle if Zimmerman doesn’t become one, too, with the racial unrest the media establishment and like-minded liberals continue to foment. Trayvon Martin’s death should be a catalyst for our willingness to be honest about our country’s violent behavior, our desperate need for fathers and the racial unity that benefits us all.
[…] We just point out the despicable double-standard. See Ryan Bomberger’s article about the Trayvon’s Death and the BlaxPloitation of the “Right to Life” […]
[…] Where are the cries of “racial profiling” and white-on-black crime? (Don’t get me wrong…the mainstream media injected racial blame and division is nauseating and irresponsible. We just point out the despicable double standard. See my article about the Trayvon’s Death and the BlaxPloitation of the “Right to Life”.) […]
[…] outrage. That was the response, last week, when I dared to challenge liberal feminists and the “I AM TRAYVON” crowd about their silence in the deliberate death of Tonya Reaves. Her family filed a Wrongful […]
[…] liberal journalists are disappointed that the Trayvon Martin tragedy didn’t erupt into a civil war as they had expected. Even the Obama administration is […]
[…] Blaxploitation […]
[…] to run toward Liberty or stumble over the lies. For a segment of the population that has been so blaxploited by its own leadership, choosing the lie has sadly become a fatal compulsion. The […]
[…] of the statistics thrown out without context and without proper comparison. I’ve addressed the lack of outrage in the daily black-on-black crime that happens every day, swept away with apathetic silence from […]
[…] Where are the cries of “racial profiling” and white-on-black crime? (Don’t get me wrong…the mainstream media injected racial blame and division is nauseating and irresponsible. We just point out the despicable double standard. See my article about the Trayvon’s Death and the BlaxPloitation of the “Right to Life”.) […]
[…] Where are the cries of “racial profiling” and white-on-black crime? (Don’t get me wrong…the mainstream media injected racial blame and division is nauseating and irresponsible. We just point out the despicable double standard. See my article about the Trayvon’s Death and the BlaxPloitation of the “Right to Life”.) […]
[…] outrage. That was the response, last week, when I dared to challenge liberal feminists and the “I AM TRAYVON” crowd about their silence in the deliberate death of Tonya […]
[…] predictable evangelists of victimhood. Jealous inserted himself into the epicenter of Trayvon’s blaxploitation deepening the racial divide in our country while completely ignoring the equally tragic […]
[…] Blaxploitation […]
[…] Blaxploitation […]
[…] Blaxploitation […]
[…] Blaxploitation […]
[…] of us can recall the names: Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling. Regardless of guilt or […]
[…] of us can recall the names: Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling. Regardless of guilt or […]
[…] where society is far more racist today than during the Civil Rights Era. They’re silent when flash mobs of black violence terrorize white victims. The evangelists of victimhood have hijacked the movement, but as a black […]
[…] of us can recall the names: Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling. Regardless of guilt or […]
Thank you for writing this article. May God open new doors and continue to build your platform.
Hey Ryan, this is by far the best written piece I’ve seen written about this issue, it really touches upon what is fundamental to this tragedy and sweeps aside the purely emotive superficialities grasped upon by the mass media. Thank you so much for writing this article and all the work you do.
You guys are awesome. Don’t ever stop sharing your wisdom & educating us on these sensitive issues. You are always truthful & to the point. My husband is bi-racial & it makes me so sad to see the division that still exists among us today. God loves us all regardless of the color of our skin or the womb we were placed in. God bless you & your family. Excellent article!
Ryan and Radiance staff;
WONDERFUL article!
I shared this article and the link to Justice for Tonya Reaves on
I wish this article would find its way into the mainstream media’s conversation. So many salient points, so many topics to discuss, yet too few in the mainstream media dare speak about what Mr. Bomberger brings up. Well stated sir.
I don’t know how much you’re helping your cause.
You cite numerous statistics and research that seem to infer one thing: blacks are thugs.
If blacks are the terrible people your article’s cited statistics suggest they are, then why shouldn’t they be snuffed out before they are even born? Several years ago, Bill Bennett implied the same thing when he said that less crime would occur if more blacks were aborted. Some in the pro-choice movement do see abortion as a way to clear the world of “less desirables,” and your entire article gives them ammunition, especially since you are a man of color.
Also, regarding your comments about black-on-white crime: If 14% of firearm deaths of whites are committed by blacks, wouldn’t that mean that 86% — 86%– are committed by whites (and some other non-blacks)?
Wouldn’t it make more sense that whites fear other whites more than they fear blacks?
You lament the “lack of outrage” over black-on-black crime. You’re blind. As you know, the black community is indeed outraged over the issue, but the issue is not as neatly packaged as the Zimmerman case. In the latter there is a villain and a victim — regardless of how the observer views the situation that occurred. The narrative that often accompanies black-on-black crime is that both parties are usually victims of violence. The black teenage criminal is just as likely to have been a victim of unfortunate circumstances as his victim.
In addition, those who think blacks are not sufficiently outraged by everyday violence perpetrated by their own in their communities are simply not aware of what many in the black community are doing to change the situation. Your apparent inability to recognize the work many are doing smacks of myopia and makes me question your insight regarding any issue in which you purport expertise.
I am reluctantly pro-choice. I wish more women had the resources to care for their children. As it stands, many don’t. While you love to tout your own background as solid proof that adoption is awesome (more myopia on your part), many poor mothers and their children do not have the same luck.
@Laura. Our cause is to affirm ALL human life. By your comments, it’s apparent you’ve not read the article. To address the episodes of violence among black teens hardly equates to calling all blacks “thugs”, especially when we specifically say: “There are plenty of black families, teenagers, and young adults who are appalled at this behavior” and “these teens do not reflect all of Black Americans”. You’re entitled to your opinion, not to revising our words.
If you read the article, you would also know we’re addressing a specific group of people (not referring to the black community as a whole) who have exploited Trayvon’s case (namely national racialist figures), inciting racial unrest, and silent on the bigger issue of violence plaguing black communities. We are calling out the “Justice4Trayvon” crowd, in particular, for demanding justice for one and ignoring the many.
Bizarre stretch for someone like you, professing your pro-abortion position, to accuse us of Freakanomics approach to this violence. We support the EXACT opposite, which was Bill Bennett’s point, too. You obviously didn’t listen to him as he proposed the ludicrous logical extension of the Freakanomics’ authors proposal. We fight to save ALL human life, in the womb and out.
And no, we don’t think the majority of “black leaders” are outraged enough about black-on-black violence and aiding and abetting the violence to millions of black babies in the womb.
Having and knowing many great adoption stories isn’t myopia. It’s real life. Next time, before you comment, read the material. We’d love to engage in a conversation about the actual substance of our articles.
Did you read the article? You somehow created a perception that the point is that blacks are thugs by nature while the whole focus of the article is that the not only the black community but the population in general is being manipulated to think that race is the most important factor across the spectrum. Have you read anything else by the author or the Radiance Foundation? I suggest that you do.
Okay, you completely misunderstood my post. I’ll clarify my issues with this article and address your concerns.
1.) I did not accuse you of deliberately encouraging eugenics-type tactics to stop the black crime problem. I clearly stated that for many your article could be misread (at best) or cited (at worst) for clear reasons why eugenics-type policies would be a benefit to society.
2.) While you did not say that all blacks are thugs, the statistics you cited could certainly provide ammunition to bigots. You even have the audacity to take the statistic about black-on-WHITE crime and twist it into a reason for whites to fear blacks. In my response, I took the same statistic and demonstrated how, when handled properly, it shows that whites have less reason to fear blacks than they may realize.
(Crime is about proximity. People commit crimes against those they are physically closest to. Most black victims are victims of blacks; most white victims are victims of whites.)
3.) I never mention black leaders in my post. I talk about the outrage of the black community. Black leaders are NOT the black community. You make the same mistake as those idiots who think Sharpton and Jackson represent all blacks.
4.) You cite Odin Lloyd. That’s so absurd. I’ll just move on along.
5.) Yes, there was less crime in black communities when families were intact, but other issues plagued black families at the same time the crime rate rose. The loss of decent-paying jobs and the intense criminalization of the crack epidemic in the 80s are two examples.
6.) I find it odd you accuse so many black organizations of paying no attention to fatherlessness. I’ve actually read papers distributed by these groups that address the issue and its impact. Just because you don’t see newsflashes about these reports does not mean they don’t exist. More myopia on your part.
7.) You say tens of thousands of black students “descended” on Virginia Beach, and there were 181 arrests. That’s not bad at all! Think. Out of tens of thousands of students, there were only 181 arrests!
And what were these arrests for? Considering the ridiculously low numbers of other crimes committed during that time, I would think these 181 crimes were misdemeanors — like public intoxication or public disruption.
College students of all colors are notorious for screwy behavior when they gather in celebratory groups, whether for a frat party or a vacation. I guess you’ve never experienced the vile and often criminal behavior of WHITE college students when they “descend” on Daytona Beach, Cancun, etc.
8.) Your assertion that abortion encourages fatherlessness is priceless. A woman should give birth just so a man will have something to play daddy to? I won’t even dignify this argument by calling it “sexist.” It’s just so incredibly stupid.
Your cause is noble, but I simply question your arguments. You’ve injected so many logical fallacies into this article that it’s hard to take you seriously.
@Laura…so desperate to make a point by changing the argument and injecting non-existent remarks or inferences in this article. We didn’t misunderstand your post.
“You cite numerous statistics and research that seem to infer one thing: blacks are thugs.”
Our comments contradict your accusation. But it seems you want to imagine assertions made in this article to fit your own preconceived notions.
1.) I did not accuse you of deliberately encouraging eugenics-type tactics to stop the black crime problem. I clearly stated that for many your article could be misread (at best) or cited (at worst) for clear reasons why eugenics-type policies would be a benefit to society.
Read the article. We offer a solution. It’s called intact families. Fatherhood. Not Freakanomics or eugenics nonsense. Your comments reflect a lack of awareness of Bill Bennett’s comments, as poorly put as they were, they were highlighting the lunacy (and complete statistical inaccuracy of Levitt’s and Dubner’s Freakanomics.
2.) While you did not say that all blacks are thugs, the statistics you cited could certainly provide ammunition to bigots. You even have the audacity to take the statistic about black-on-WHITE crime and twist it into a reason for whites to fear blacks. In my response, I took the same statistic and demonstrated how, when handled properly, it shows that whites have less reason to fear blacks than they may realize.
Bigots, or people with pre-conceived notions will find any excuse to misuse anything. We stand by our words. It’s not twisting to show that more black offenders are responsible for firearm deaths among whites. How is that twisting. 14% vs. 7%. It’s not “twisting”, it’s telling the truth, especially in light of many “Trayvon” activists who ignore this reality.
(Crime is about proximity. People commit crimes against those they are physically closest to. Most black victims are victims of blacks; most white victims are victims of whites.)
No one’s arguing that. But you seem intent on appearing to make a point. That’s not the point of the article.
3.) I never mention black leaders in my post. I talk about the outrage of the black community. Black leaders are NOT the black community. You make the same mistake as those idiots who think Sharpton and Jackson represent all blacks.
Who’s making that assertion? We’re not talking about the “black community” but these faux “leaders”. Trying sticking with the actual argument here.
4.) You cite Odin Lloyd. That’s so absurd. I’ll just move on along.
Odin Lloyd’s death is absurd? Another black man’s death is irrelevant? Will there be riots if Hernandez is acquitted? A black man killed by a “White Hispanic” that generated NO commotion from the “I AM TRAYVON” crowd. None.
5.) Yes, there was less crime in black communities when families were intact, but other issues plagued black families at the same time the crime rate rose. The loss of decent-paying jobs and the intense criminalization of the crack epidemic in the 80s are two examples.
Uhhh, the 80s wasn’t exactly a time when black families were intact. Try the 1940s when 75-80% of all black households were led by married parents. Jim Crow laws didn’t exactly afford black people great paying jobs during the 40s, 50s, and 60s but families stayed intact (far more than now where less than 30% of black households are led by 2-parent married couples.)
6.) I find it odd you accuse so many black organizations of paying no attention to fatherlessness. I’ve actually read papers distributed by these groups that address the issue and its impact. Just because you don’t see newsflashes about these reports does not mean they don’t exist. More myopia on your part.
Would love to see a URL, article, report…anything from so-called “civil rights” organizations. National Urban League just put out it’s State of Black America document, which we read in its entirety. Not one mention of fathers or fatherlessness. We research these issues extensively and don’t rely on “newsflashes”. Not sure exactly what you’re relying on.
7.) You say tens of thousands of black students “descended” on Virginia Beach, and there were 181 arrests. That’s not bad at all! Think. Out of tens of thousands of students, there were only 181 arrests! And what were these arrests for? Considering the ridiculously low numbers of other crimes committed during that time, I would think these 181 crimes were misdemeanors — like public intoxication or public disruption.
Once again. Read. We lived there. We WERE there. The beachfront was in a riot situation during one night of out-of-control violence, robberies, vandalism and physical assaults. It was pandemonium. We don’t have 181 arrests in one night in Virginia Beach. And 911 doesn’t shut down on a daily basis. It was a melee that, sadly, included only black offenders who ruin it for all of the rest of black Americans who are judged by these acts. The horrendous evening instilled fear in lots of business owners and VA Beach residents (many of whom do NOT go to the beachfront at night any more). A huge town hall meeting was called where hundreds of residents came to vent their anger at this reprehensible behavior and the inability of VA Beach Police to handle what they described as an “unknown social media event”.
College students of all colors are notorious for screwy behavior when they gather in celebratory groups, whether for a frat party or a vacation. I guess you’ve never experienced the vile and often criminal behavior of WHITE college students when they “descend” on Daytona Beach, Cancun, etc.
Seen plenty of that behavior. NOTHING like what Virginia Beach saw in 1989 during Freaknik/GreekFest and what was seen last April 2013. NOTHING.
8.) Your assertion that abortion encourages fatherlessness is priceless. A woman should give birth just so a man will have something to play daddy to? I won’t even dignify this argument by calling it “sexist.” It’s just so incredibly stupid.
Fatherhood begins in the womb. Sadly, your statement reflects a liberal ideology that accounts for such flagrant disregard of biology and what strengthens every society–family. Eighty-four percent of women who have abortions are unmarried. Roe created a massive culture of abandonment. 72.3% of black children born today are born into homes without fathers. 35.7% of white children face the same tragic father absence. 42% of all of our nation’s children are fatherless. Your comment lacks any dignity, so don’t worry about “dignifying” the reality that father absence causes a multitude of social ills and leaves a woman to have to play two roles, instead of one.
@Laura…try spending some time learning about these crucial issues. We invite you to raise your awareness throughout this site as well as our URL
Your cause is noble, but I simply question your arguments. You’ve injected so many logical fallacies into this article that it’s hard to take you seriously.
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