Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?
“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told. Really? Let’s apply that same logic to another example. I’ve been repeatedly approached to partner with New Black Panthers in anti-abortion billboard campaigns. We agree on the violent injustice of abortion, and that’s it. Our worldviews are diametrically opposed. But, but, but they believe unborn lives matter! That doesn’t matter. Their mission is not my mission. I cover all of this in-depth in my new podcast, Life Has Purpose.
Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. But Truth matters. As a Christian, the Church should be leading on these issues instead of sheepishly following a movement hostile to the Gospel.
The founders of the movement, the #BlackLivesMatter Foundation (BLMF), created it to radically shift culture. The far-left Ford Foundation, the world’s largest population control organization, vowed in 2016 to raise $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives (MFBL)—a nationwide coalition of BLM groups (including BLMF). MFBL released a shocking manifesto of policy positions that are deeply political and deeply disturbing.
Drawing mostly from those positions, here are the top ten reasons why I will never support the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
1 – The premise isn’t true. According to the FBI’s latest homicide statistics, I’m eleven times more likely to be killed by someone of my own brown complexion than a white person. Also, a comprehensive 2019 study (*see below) concluded: “White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.” Every loss of life is tragic, but Washington Post’s database on police-involved deaths puts things into context. In 2020, among those killed were 76 black males and 149 white males (whose deaths are don’t get reported by national mainstream media). Only nine black individuals were actually unarmed.
2 – There is no goal of forgiveness or reconciliation. None. It’s never mentioned on their sites. You can’t talk about the sins of the past and expect to move forward if there is no intention of forgiveness. I’m tired of the color-based oppressed/oppressor critical race theory paradigm. It’s not Gospel-centered. This should, immediately, be a deal-breaker for Christians.
3 – It’s all about Black Power. It’s plastered all over the MFBL website. BLMF founders explain their “herstory”: “It became clear that we needed to continue organizing and building Black power across the country.” I don’t promote social colorblindness; I love all of our diverse hues of skin. But I’m so much more than my pigmentation. Martin Luther King promoted “God’s power and human power.” I’m with him.
4 – They heavily promote homosexuality and transgenderism. “We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” ( has since removed their “What We Believe” page, so the link is to their archived version.) I’m not embracing confusion. The Bible is unambiguous about sexuality. Loving every human being is not the same as loving every human doing.
5 – They completely ignore fatherhood. From BLMF: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” Well, every “village” that has fatherless families is a village that suffers higher crime rates, higher drug usage, higher abortion rates, higher drop-out rates, higher poverty rates, and so much more. #DadsMatter.
6 – They demand reparations. Ok. Sooooo, I guess the white half of me will have to pay the black half of me? If progressives want to push reparations, start with the Party of Slavery and Jim Crow—the Democrat Party! Let them ante up. But the #BlackLivesMatter movement bizarrely demands: “Reparations for…full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education…retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.” Uhhh, good luck with that.
7 – They want to abolish prisons and police forces. And…cue utter chaos. MFBL asserts: “We believe that prisons, police and all other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished…” Defund and remove the police have been rallying cries. That would be anarchy in any community. I advocate some needed police reforms, including more accountability and better community/police relations, but this is just foolishness. It’s why 81% of black Americans told Gallup (August 2020) that they want the same or more police presence in our communities.
8 – They are anti-capitalism. Oh the irony of this declaration made by a movement that is the result of capitalism: “We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.” The videos that make us aware of police brutality are captured on phones that are a result of capitalism. The best way to elevate people out of material poverty? Capitalism. This system is why the United States is the most charitable nation. It seems the Black Lives Matter Global Organization has raked in $90 million (mostly from Corporate America) after a summer of “mostly peaceful” protests that have caused up to $2 billion worth of damage. Guess capitalism isn’t all that bad.
9 – Colin Kaepernick supports it. A “biracial” adoptee, Kaepernick is now obsessed with his “blackness.” He idolizes the late murderous Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and worships Malcolm X (just see his social media feeds). Malcolm X was anti-integration, pro-violence and a member of the virulently racist Nation of Islam (who forced him out). Kaepernick makes millions from Nike. The shoe and sports apparel company’s entire Executive Leadership Team (as of June 5, 2020) is white. Isn’t this white supremacy??? Also, Nike makes its shoes in China–the most murderous regime in the world. Kaepernick, of course, is completely silent on that. But you know, #SocialJusticeWarrior.
10 – Apparently, not all black lives matter. Pro-abortion BLMF declared: “We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [aka abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.” Aborted children don’t thrive. BLM groups announced “solidarity” with “reproductive justice” groups back in February 2015 (see the solidarity statement). You cannot simultaneously fight violence while celebrating the most indefensible form of it.
*NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: It seems that this 2019 study was removed not because of any methodological flaw but because of political pandering. After being challenged on a single statement from their study, they changed their assessment (“White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.”) to a statement that echoes virtually the same conclusion: “‘As the proportion of White officers in a fatal officer-involved shooting increased, a person fatally shot was not more likely to be of a racial minority.’” They further explained: “This is consistent with our framing of the results in the abstract and main text.”
Apparently, that wasn’t enough. The authors seem to be upset that people are citing this study to combat false claims by the Black Lives Matter Movement. In explaining their retraction of the article, the authors state: “Despite this correction, our work has continued to be cited as providing support for the idea that there are no racial biases in fatal shootings, or policing in general. To be clear, our work does not speak to these issues and should not be used to support such statements. We take full responsibility for not being careful enough with the inferences made in our original report, as this directly led to the misunderstanding of our research. Given these issues and the continued use of our work in the public debate on this topic, we have decided to retract the article.”
Remember, these are their words found in the Significance portion of the study: “We find no evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparities across shootings, and White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers. Instead, race-specific crime strongly predicts civilian race. This suggests that increasing diversity among officers by itself is unlikely to reduce racial disparity in police shootings.”
Correcting that one statement doesn’t disavow the entirety of their study and their findings. We feel this is another example of politics over peer-reviewed science.
I’m not usually impressed with Bryan Bomberger, but this is a resounding good article, if only for the sheer courage it took to write and publish. I pray it opens many eyes.
Uhhhh, thanks, sort of. His name is Ryan, and we tend to think his articles are all equally well-researched and expressed.
wow, wow, wow, truth comes to always with the Radiance Foundation. Thanks for the enlightenment. We need to know what the wagon is really full of when we jump on the bandwagon.
God Bless Ryan Bomberger. You’re absolutely right!
No. We don’t know all the details. But we do know this. Any perfectly healthy person with someone’s knee on their neck for nearly 9 minutes would die from asphyxiation or heart-induced trauma.
This is the dumbest article I’ve ever read. First of all, you didn’t cite your sources on your stats. Of course more white men die due to police brutality because they make up a bigger percentage of the population compared to black men. I also passed eighth grade so I know that the parties switched platforms (and thus ideals) in the early 1900s, meaning today’s current conservatives and republicans would’ve been a part of that democratic party in the 1800s. Also to assume that 200 years of slavery, 60+ years of segregation, redlining, gentrification, oppression, and government warfare (I’m talking about how the U.S government introduced crack cocaine into black communities during the 80s to destabilize them, as well as the Tulsa massacre where the US bombed the “black wall street” of the south and reduced the economic growth achieved by black people in the south during that time) had no effect on the current poverty and crime levels in black is extremely naive. Think about it, if your mom lived in a segregated house, wasn’t allowed to be educated or join a union and thus she receives low wages for the rest of her life, then how can she expect to pass wealth on to her kids? Generational wealth isn’t entirely possible for black people because of the US’s history of silencing and oppressing them. Crime, poverty and fatherlessness aren’t the problem, they’re the symptom of the problem; The US was inherently built on anti-blackness and continues to function on doing so. This whole article is so misleading and also lacks a basic grasp of american and global history. So when you say you’re not going to support people who are asking for their lives to matter under the eyes of the law, you sound hateful. But I know most christians only care about nitpicking which parts of the bible they’ll choose to follow for the day and I also know that most christians are illiterate and won’t waste their time reading a paragraph that is more than 1 sentence. If you do make to the end of this post and still aren’t convinced that BLM is an important movement then (I say this with all the love in my good christian heart) you can choke, and I hope that hell is hot just for you.
Praying for you Kate. Interesting that you modeled both the nitpicking and picking parts of the bible to follow so well in your comment! I renounce the negativity and cursing…in Jesus’ Name! 🙂 Blessings
Hey You are a better Christian than I am. I try but people are so ignorant. Maybe I need prayer too. But I do not hope. this person or ANYONE goes to hell. I do love. people so there might be hope for me. Thank you Brother or Sister in Christ.
And which party was Alabama Governor George Wallace a part of again? The one who refused to let black students attend the University of Alabama? In the 1960’s?
We’re assuming you don’t read a lot of articles, then. This article is not an academic paper (but more factual than many of them), but every single stat and quote is directly linked to the source. So, there’s that. You missed the point about police brutality and deaths. It’s not that MORE whites are killed; it’s that whites ARE killed, too, but we never hear about it from national mainstream media. If all we ever hear is that black people are harmed/killed it completely skews the narrative and ignores the evidence.
Sadly, public schools do a horrible job in teaching our political history. Slavery, as an institution, existed for 251 years (but who’s counting?). There were more than 94 years of segregation, that sadly, continue beyond the Civil Rights Acts of the 60s. There was no some magical switch between parties, either by the way. That’s been so debunked by so many scholars. When exactly, did that happen Kate? There was, however, a massive shift in loyalties from black Americans who were upset by some of the apathy of the Republican Party post abolition and passage of Reconstruction Amendments and failure to follow through (e.g. dismantling of the Freedmen’s Bureau).
Just as a refresher, the GOP was the Party that abolished slavery, sponsored and overwhelmingly passed every Reconstruction Amendment and also overwhelmingly passed–in far larger margins than Dems–every Civil Rights bill from the late 50s through the late 60s. For instance, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed by only 69% of Dems in the Senate but 94% of Republicans (see and Segregation, KKK, redlining, government welfare, and other forms of oppression–thank the Democrat Party.
You make ridiculous wild claims (which, of course have no citations). Generational wealth isn’t possible for black people? You need to meet more black people. Sorry, for anyone to suggest that fatherlessness, crime and poverty aren’t the problems has no grasp of American history and the present devastation in black communities. Fatherlessness was 25% in the black community in the mid 60s when the War on Poverty began. It’s over 72% today. Generational dependence on a corrupt government has led to rampant fatherlessness that is, by far, the largest contributor to poverty and higher negative social/economic outcomes for the black community.
We don’t nitpick. Lying is a sin, so let’s start there. In every article we present context, provide links to all data sources, and present the impediments to human flourishing (most notably being killed in the womb). No aborted child can flourish. By the way, there was nothing Christ-like about your mean-spirited pablum. It’s not illiteracy that would keep someone from not finishing your diatribe. It’s knowledge. We know confusion when we see it.
Yes! It’s weird how this has turned into a look at the helpless black person and be ok with chaos. Like I’m wealthy, healthy and was raised in a single family home and respect trump and the police. what was initially supposed to be let’s fix the legal system has turned into all this weird liberal propaganda and the timing is just sketchy and I’m over being used as a pawn for this political distraction
Your comment is nothing but Howard Zinn hate America screed.Violence and riots represent ” a good Christian Heart”.?
You are as full of hate as the rioters and antifa domestic terrorists.
“Also passed eighth grade so I know that the parties switched platforms (and thus ideals) in the early 1900s, meaning today’s current conservatives and republicans would’ve been a part of that democratic party in the 1800s”
That only means your teacher was an idiot and as ill- informed as you are. I can prove that entire statement is not true at all
“So when you say you’re not going to support people who are asking for their lives to matter under the eyes of the law, you sound hateful”
Hateful is saying only black lives matter- which is what you do by claiming that the statement all lives matter is racist
“most christians are illiterate ”
Again incorrect. Illiterate can be better attributed to members of q tribes
Lastly ending by claiming to be Christian and hoping someone goes to hell or dies is not Christian at all
Your words would suggest that you yourself to be a hateful racist bigot
What would you say to Kate Culver’s post. I would love to hear your counter rebuttal. I know political ideas change and have shifted in the past: Did they shift so Republicans were the ones supporting slavery, etc? Did cocaine get introduced in black communities? I would love to hear your always respectful and truthful debate. Thank you for protecting life and supporting the Gospel at all costs!
No, platform change did not happen. But this belief is what happens when Democrats control education. This change of platform is implied or even stated by today’s educators but no one can seem to pinpoint when it happened or who was involved. It didn’t. In my life, I’ve seen Democrats who were Dixicrats. Look up Robert. Bird’s history. He was a democrat tthat I remember and recruited for the KKK. None of those guys were Republican. Besides, if you listen to people like Biden, you can clearly see (in his history of speeches) that he thinks whites are above Blacks. Listen to how he describes Obama. I’m not even talking about his Slave-like ownership of Blacks voting Democrat – although that should be telling in itself, I’m talking about his entire career. If platforms switched, people like Biden, Nancy Pelosi and most Democrats I have heard discuss Hispanics (who will clean our toilets if we stop illegals -see who said that on the View), and Blacks – then these Democrats forgot to change parties. Ha!
Further, this country did not embrace slavery for 200 years. Who held slaves in 1976? I graduated from high school then in 1977 and lived in a predominantly Mexican area of California although transient illegals were not prevalent then. There was one or 2 black families though in my school and they were considered upper class. Today, individual racists exist but systemic racism does NOT. While I was in the military, I had a Black man who supervised me whiile I became qualified to engine-run aircraft. He passed me because I (a woman too) worked my butt off to learn everything. A few weeks later, a Black co-worked was failed by the same supervisor and the coworker had the nerve to say even the Black supervisor was racist. He failed because he didn’t know all of his stuff. That’s what can happen when you give people a reason not to work as hard because evereyone is against them anyway. They believe it. trust me, I’ve beeen discriminated against by whites and Blacks and I had to make SURE I wasn’t the one at fault, not knowing my stuff. I also understand discrimination. Imagine being the only woman in an aircraft engine shop in the 1980s/90s. But I made E-7 and got a AS and BS degree in avionics, a master’s and PhD. in education. No one can hold you down if you are determined.
That’s well said!
BLM seems highly selective as to which Black lives actually do matter. I mean I must have missed the global protests they organized to protest the murder of hundreds of Nigerians this year at the hands of racial and religious supremacists – I wonder if it’s because these deaths could not be used to further their political agenda. Also (and this is why intersectionality can be such a toxic doctrine) they were probably inconvenient in terms of the perpetrators. The MSM has criminally ignored these deaths too, which are rapidly looking like a genocide to me. Shame on them!
interesting analysis!
Just found ur site…. keep up the Great Work !
All lives matter. Anything else is just a precursor to totalitarianism and latter genocide.
BLM is nothing but racism from its inception to its slogan of hate :” White supremacy”.
There is absolutely nothing in Black Lies Matter which has anything to do with the Lord.
You deceive your self, because you do not want black people to succeed. You lack the love of Christ.
And you know this about DA how??
D A gives himself away. His words are lies and hateful…what more do we need to know. People give themselves away…just listen to what they say.
Black people who apply themselves do succeed. You spew hatred the opposite of the love of Christ. And your words are essentially racist.
Not from any encounter that I observed
My experiences with members of that group have all been similar with me being judged by the color of my skin based on their negative remarks and threats
They are nothing more than thugs
There is not enough time or space to break all that out.
I doubt you know what cognitive dissonance is.
You give yourself away by rendering judgement on people you know nothing about on this thread.
The irony is not lost on many
I am sure it will sail right over your head
If anyone is a fake Christian and a bigot
It is you
I will pray for you
Dan … Dan …. you are the racist like the rest of the BLM shake-down artists. Whereas I actually employ people.
I’ll provide one very critical reason why I don’t, either…
Police officers of African-American decent are excluded from their agenda. If a black cop dies, it was his fault for wearing the badge and the uniform according to them.
So the group that calls itself “BLM” can get lost as far as I’m concerned.
Yes, because Black people are human beings, their lives matter. As does all human life anywhere on the planet.
WOW!! Thank you Radiance Foundation for shedding so much light on this. God Bless you!!
Your article makes you seem extremely ignorant about Malcolm X. Extremely ignorant. The fact that you are using Kaepernick’s admiration of Malcolm X against him speaks volumes. I pray that the book I am writing about Malcolm X corrects these misconceptions. Was Malcolm X violent or pro-violent? No. In fact, the FBI even noted that he was too intelligent and law abiding to resort to violence. At times he even broke up riots and stopped violence, which is a fact most people on both sides of the aisle do not know. He was, however, pro-2nd Amendment and called out the hypocrisy of whites who were angry that black people dared try to obtain their freedom in the same way revolutionary whites obtained their freedom when they were taxed without representation. Black people experienced far worse than the white revolutionaries and in the 1960s still were taxed without representation, yet whites expected them to bow down and be peaceful while being oppressed in the worst possible ways . . . for example, their churches were bombed whilst the government refused to even prosecute the Ku Klux Klan. The expectation of whites that black people should be peaceful and not resist was unnatural and hypocritical. Malcolm X mostly warned whites of how the masses of black people really felt . . . he warned of a powder keg that would explode if those racists in power don’t clean their house up. Today people are still clueless to the causes of riots and violence. People are angry about the rioting and violence and blame the black community. Well guess what? If officers would actually get convicted when they murder a person of color or a person with serious mental illness, there would not be the powder keg reaction. But instead, normally when a white person is killed by the police, their family gets justice. There are a few exceptions, especially when the white person killed had a serious mental illness or was dirt poor. However, overall the criminal justice system works closer to how it is supposed to for white people than black people. Justice is seldom obtained for people of color killed by the police. As a criminal defense lawyer, I can also say first hand that I have lost count of the number of officers who blatantly lie about what happened in their police report. If it were not for videos, we would never get justice.
You also stated that Malcolm X was anti-integration. Was he? Not in the way you are suggesting. You missed his entire point. He was against the integrationist movement at the time because he called it “token” or “forced” integration. I have numerous interviews of his I can point you to. He believed that laws should not force the two races together while there was so much hostility because that created an atmosphere of hypocrisy and a more subtle form of racism that is more difficult to detect and overcome. He opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for good reason: it shouldn’t take more laws to solve the problem when the laws already passed before to fix the problem failed. He believed the only true way to solve the race problem was a radical spiritual reformation and re-education of both black and white so that whites could learn to love black people and become educated away from their racist tendencies and understand black history better; and so black people could learn to do for themselves, lift themselves up morally, spiritually, and economically, and solve their own problems. Malcolm X believed that black people needed to stop depending on white liberals to solve their problems.
Was Malcolm X racist? No. Not towards the end of his life. He completely disavowed his own former racism and preached the brotherhood of all men. Malcolm X, to me, is one of the most inspirational persons of the past century: a genuine seeker of truth, a humble and gifted man with such courage and intensity that he willingly gave his life for his Sunni Muslim faith and the cause of black liberation at the end of his short life. Do not misrepresent Malcolm X.
Hi Donna. Thanks for the historical revisionism. Send us your book. We’d be happy to fact-check it for you.
We’re not ignorant about Malcolm X. We’re accurate. He did not renounce his racism or support of violence. Of course, he was duplicitous in his carefully chosen public interview responses versus his non-broadcast speeches. In an interview with CBC in 1965, he claimed he did not advocate violence, yet in speeches before and subsequent (including his last speech at Barnard College) he clearly advocated violence as a means to achieve equality.
Malcolm X also lied when asked if he ever called Martin Luther King an “Uncle Tom.” We include audio of him calling MLK “an Uncle Tom or a religious Uncle Tom” toward the beginning of our podcast: In his last speech ever given in 1965, Malcolm X declared: “[Martin Luther King] is the foremost exponent of love who gets his head bashed in while he is preaching brotherhood. I go for that retaliation type of brotherhood.” He asserted: “…there are many Negroes, ready, willing equipped and able” to use terroristic methods akin to the KKK, according to Columbia University’s Columbia Daily Spectator.
Yes. Malcolm espoused a deeply anti-integrationist ideology. “We can establish our own government and become an independent nation. And once we become separated from the jurisdiction of this white nation, we can then enter into trade and commerce for ourselves with other independent nations. This is the only solution.” These were words given in his 1963 UC Berkeley speech.
Malcolm X did not call for unity among everyone. He called for unity among blacks, regardless of their religious affiliation. As far as Colin Kaepernick, he continually plays pre-pilgrimage clips of Malcolm X (including the “by any means necessary” soundbite) to which there is little discernable rhetorical difference anyway. So, we’re portraying things accurately.
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