2023: An Awesome Year in Review
adopted & loved fund
The Henry & Andrea Bomberger Adopted and Loved Fund was launched to help families provide forever homes for vulnerable children. Created to honor the legacy of Ryan Bomberger’s father, Henry Bomberger, the fund will directly fund the adoption process for Christian families (with a married mother and father) each year. Every cent given for grants goes directly to the selected families. This year, we were able to give $56k in grants to families. Our first grant was given to Tanner and Angela Cross. Tanner was the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) teacher who spoke at a school board meeting saying he “loved his students to much to lie to them by calling a boy a girl and a girl a boy.” He was suspended the next day (and banned from all LCPS property and events) but a state judge and the VA Supreme Court later reinstated him. In November 2023, we launched the video of his incredible story. Get the tissues!
👉 See the whole story here.
keynote events
Every year, we are blessed to keynote between 50-60 events across the country and abroad. This year, we headlined 55 events coast to coast at conferences, fundraising galas, middle/high schools, colleges and churches. From cities like Austin, TX, Vancouver, Canada, Baton Rouge, LA, Grand Rapids, MI, Miami, FL, Tannersville, PA, Raleigh, NC and many more places across these great United States of America, The Radiance Foundation has been able to illuminate Truth in powerful ways in 2023. Each year, we turn down about 50-60 events because we simply cannot do so many events (family is always first). But it highlights the reality that people are desperate for the Truth and are drawn to our factivism. We would love to expand our team in 2024 so that we can handle more events while we simultaneously create more online content that continues to boldly address — with a biblical worldview — abortion, adoption, racism (and bogus anti-racism), fatherlessness, faith, free speech, sexuality and the War on Common Sense.
👉 Book a powerful keynote event here.
media coverage
We were blessed to receive extensive media coverage from both mainstream and faith-based media: Fox News (here, here, here, and here), Live Action, Washington Times, Eric Metaxas, Allie Stuckey, Independent Women’s Forum, Epoch Times, TBN, Christian Post, CBN, Mike Gallagher Show, Billy Graham Evangelical Association’s Decision Magazine and many more. We are looking forward to a great year of coverage in 2024 from many more secular news outlets as we ramp up our exposure and ability to speak Truth to a broken culture with our PR firm.
👉 Click links above to watch/listen to media interviews or find some here.
empowering girls
Our ground-breaking children’s book, PRO-LIFE KIDS!, continues to educate children around the world. Bethany, who taught for 13 years in both public and private school, is passionate about developing curriculum for our children’s initiatives. This year, American Heritage Girls reached out to us and wanted to partner with our PRO-LIFE KIDS! project. We developed a Patch program, which includes a new video series, that teaches troops a faith/fact-based pro-life worldview. So, now thousands of American Heritage Girls can earn their PRO-LIFE KIDS! Patch.
👉 Learn more about our AHG Patch program here.
honored for fighting abortion
Ryan Bomberger, the cofounder of The Radiance Foundation, was surprised this past summer to find out he was named as “one of the fifty greatest pro-life leaders in the last fifty years”. A powerful new book entitled Legacy of Life honors the architects, strategists, and innovators that have made the overturning of Roe v. Wade possible. Compiled by John Stemberger, President of the Florida Family Policy Council, this incredibly beautiful hardcover book is a compendium of pivotal pro-life leaders such as Dr. Jack Willke (considered the father of the Pro-Life movement), Nelly Gray (founder of the March for Life), Dr. Mildred Jefferson (cofounder of the National Right to Life Committee), Lila Rose (Live Action President/Founder), Abby Johnson (Founder And Then There Were None), David Bereit (founder of 40 Days for Life) and many more.
👉 Learn more here.
affirming binary gender
Kids should never be the testing ground for anyone’s emotional or sexual affirmation. The relentless ‘woke’ attacks on gender are about the erasure of common sense, basic biology and the Divine imprint on each of us. Every life has God-given purpose and design. Kids need to know this. This is why we officially released SHE IS SHE earlier this year and HE IS HE in December to serve as tools to reinforce what we all know to be true about our undeniable, biological, God-intended selves. Also, although the books are very age appropriate for young children, there are fantastic resources for teens and adults at SheIsShe.com/resources.
👉 Buy the His and Hers Combo at the lowest price of year for our New Year’s sale here.
defending women
Ryan proclaimed in several news interviews this year: “The same Democratic Party that denied black people their personhood is the same Party that denies females their womanhood.” We have been battling the Left’s (real) War on Women for years, but this year it’s grown even more insane. In courts, on legal documents, in schools, in entertainment, in sports, and even in churches, LGBT patriarchy is trying to erase God’s design for humanity. The Radiance Foundation has worked with a national coalition fighting to protect Title IX and push the Department of Education away from complete wokeness. So-called “progressives” claim that men can get pregnant, praise men who displace women in sports, pageants, and scholarships, and demand that we butcher our language to accommodate their toxic ideology. We won’t.
👉 Watch some Eric Metaxas interview here and Independent Women’s Forum interview here. Read some of our articles about the erasure of women here, here and here.
factivist journalism
Our OpEds have been read and shared by millions over the years. God has enabled our unique messaging and passion for Truth to reach audiences around the globe through The Christian Post, The World and Everything In It, Townhall, and more. Every article published on these and other news sites are archived on our own Radiance Foundation website in our news section. It’s what we consider our North Star, as Ryan has been influenced, since childhood, by the eloquence and indefatigable courage of abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Some of our favorite articles this year are: Celebrating the End of Roe, The Former Slave Who Loved the Constitution, The Era of LGBT Patriarchy, Faith and Mental Health, Planned Parenthood – Relentlessly Ruthless, Oh The Tangled Web Biden Weaves, Mythbusting Race and Abortion, and Never Unwanted.
👉 Read any of our OpEds here.