The Supreme Mess America’s Made of Abortion
If you ever want to see the moral and spiritual decline of America, go to a Supreme Court rally about abortion. From signs using every version of the F-bomb to […]
GOP, Stop Fearing What The Left Is Cheering!
President Joe Biden has become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief. And Vice President Kamala Harris is his megaphone.
Rape and Abortion: How My Life Was Saved
I should’ve been aborted. Years ago a nationwide report determined 1% of abortions are due to rape-related pregnancies. Abortion advocates today use those tragedies to advocate for another [...]
ADOPTION: Thriving is better than dying.
No one is better off dead. We’re all better off loved. As someone adopted from the foster care system, I reject the pro-abortion rhetoric that abortion is somehow a better […]
LGBTQ Movement’s “Love is Love” Fallout Harms Foster Children
Funny how “tolerance” turns to totalitarianism. America has undergone a massive moral transitioning thanks to an incredibly well-funded LGBTQIA+++ movement. They enjoy a privilege that no other [...]
Celebrating the End of Roe
This OpEd/Commentary originally appeared in the World and Everything In It. I’ll never forget where I was on June 24, 2022. I was alone in our Radiance Foundation offices. My […]
Unplanned but Never Unwanted
She could've ended up a tragic statistic. Instead, she's a triumphant statement: Life has purpose!
America’s Unsung Heroes: Pregnancy Help Centers
This is an exclusive column for The World And Everything In It. It’s available as an audio commentary here. I’ve had the blessing of working with hundreds of pregnancy […]
Adopted and Loved – Celebrate National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month. But what is adoption? We often hear about it, particularly as one of two alternatives to the injustice of abortion. Millions of us are the […]
Adopted And Loved in a Post-Roe America
The true strength of our humanity is how we help those in their weakest moments. Vulnerable children need that strength. Adopt. Be the Hope.
Childless AOC Lectures Pro-Life Lawmakers With Children
Social media may be able to create leftist celebrity lawmakers, but they can’t imbue them with critical thinking skills. Such is the case for elected leaders like Representative Alexandria [...]
“Pro-Choice” Has Always Been a Fraud
Euphemisms are always meant to sound true, not be true. In fact, they intentionally try to prevent people from knowing the truth. Reproductive Freedom. Women’s Healthcare. Reproductive Justice. [...]
Abort Roe
Today was my birthday. But that birthday could’ve easily been aborted. I am the one percent that is used 100% of the time to justify abortion. My birthmom, despite being […]
You Can’t Make History Unless You’re Born
“Seven million women died last year because they didn’t have access to abortion.” This was the absurd claim by a pro-abortion activist testifying in opposition to Nebraska’s Legislative Bill (LB) [...]
Five Crucial Lessons Mainstream Media Won’t Give You for Black History Month
Biologically, I’m black and white. As an adoptee with brown skin from a very diverse family, I’m grateful that my mother (who happens to have skin much lighter than mine) […]
Boston Offers Taxpayer-funded Vacations for Abortions
Abortion is legal through all nine months in Massachusetts. Abortion is funded, for any reason, through the state’s taxpayer-funded Mass Health program. And now having an abortion qualifies [...]
Bethany Christian Services: All Whites Are Racist
Bethany Christian Services proudly promotes placing vulnerable children in same-sex homes but thinks placing black and brown children in "white" homes can be "dangerous." The once-great adoption [...]
When the White House Lies, Unborn People Die
I love it when unintentional truths slip out even when a politico tries to suppress it. EWTN reporter Owen Jensen asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to explain a […]
A Letter to My Dad–An Adoptive Father of Thirteen
My father loved those that others abandoned. He could've lived a "normal" life but lived an extraordinary one instead.
Remember When the UN Declared the Unborn Should be Protected?
I do. Well, I wasn’t around then, but I teach about this shocking truth in many of my speaking events, especially in colleges and universities. Typically mouths drop and eyes […]
I Nearly Died. God Had Different Plans.
Last week I nearly died. It sounds dramatic. And it was. A week ago Monday, I was rushed to the hospital unable to breathe. I had suffered a pulmonary embolism resulting in blood clots to my [...]
The Pro-Abortion Left Attacks Adoption
I’m completely biased. I’ll let you know that up front. It’s not an implicit bias; it’s an explicit bias. I wouldn’t be who I am without adoption. I may not […]
The Heart of a Birthmom
Kristin DePola has been a longtime friend of The Radiance Foundation. She has volunteered for countless hours in various capacities. Kristin has handled numerous administrative tasks, assisted [...]
I am the 1 percent used to justify 100 percent of abortions
Exploiting rape has always been the go-to for fake feminism. #Roe began as a lie about rape. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) was never raped & her child was not aborted, but adopted and loved instead.
A TALE OF TWO MOTHERS: Andrea Bomberger and Margaret Sanger
History. It’s disposable. How often do we use it to bolster a cause and then quickly discard it when its inconvenient truths call that effort into question? Americans increasingly celebrate the [...]
Earthly Moms, Heavenly Purpose
Former single mom of one, now married mom of four (Bethany Bomberger, co-founder of The Radiance Foundation) shares her heart about earthly moms and heavenly purpose.
Meant To Be: The Triumph of Life Over Rape And Abortion
How do you thank a woman for making you possible? How do you thank someone who, despite the horror of rape, chose the gift of Life and adoption for you?
The Courageous Pro-Life Women Who Fight For Real Equality
What is feminism? If you asked people on the street, the most common response is “equality.” Yet at the darkened heart of today’s fake feminism, there is no equality because […]
CBS’ Madam Secretary Has Powerful Pro-Life, Pro-Family Moments
Hollywood doesn’t hide its religion of liberalism. Compelling dramas are often marred by overt attempts to preach politics instead of delivering meaningful storylines that resonate. But once in a [...]
Truth vs. “Prochoice”: Ryan Bomberger Debates Pro-Abortion Legislator and NPR
Most Americans should know by now that NPR stands for National Prochoice Radio. They rarely ever try to appear objective on abortion. This week, I was given the opportunity to debate the […]
The Courage of Prolife Factivists
We have to love people enough to tell them the truth. That’s real courage. Love illuminates. Love isn’t factophobic; it sets people free, enabling them to break away from the sin that used to [...]
“Jane Roe” Wanted to Abort Roe v. Wade
The abortion industry kills, distorts and exploits. Over 57 million lives have been slaughtered in the United States because seven Supremely wrong justices decided, yet again, that all humans are [...]
Afros, Anthems and Colin Kaepernick
Dear Colin Kaepernick, I hear you. And so do millions across the country. As a professional athlete, you actually have more sway than pastors. Welcome to a culture driven by […]
Olympic-sized Prolife Moments: Adoption, Motherhood, and Rejecting Abortion
The Olympics are a time for the world to see the beauty of possibility. Seemingly impossible feats are achieved by many whose struggle to get to this coveted competition inspires […]
NARAL, California and an Epic Fail at Pro-Abortion Comedy
***UPDATE: NARAL got so much flack, even from some pro-abortion folks, that they pulled the video. Nothing brings laughter like having an abortion, right? Add NARAL into the mix […]
Pro-choice Activists Say I Should Have Been Aborted. I Was Adopted and Loved Instead.
Today’s my birthday. El Cinco de Ry-o is what we call it in my house. My friends and family get to celebrate that I was born. But I almost never […]
Racism. It’s the go-to for liberals. Every institution of American life is touched by it according to the racialists. Well, almost every one. Somehow, the industry that kills, disproportionately, [...]
What Your Support Made Possible in 2015
Your support makes our life-affirming work possible. From hundreds of hours of diligent research comes our unconventional creative media that fearlessly illuminates truth. From over 40 keynoted [...]
Watts Love Got To Do With It? Everything.
Thanksgiving is an outward act of inner gratitude. This holiday is more than pumpkins, turkeys and commercially hyped Black Fridays. Thanking God for our blessings, giving selflessly and [...]
IRS: Adoption Evil, Abortion Good.
Scandal. It’s not just a sleazy TV show. It’s real life. And, lately, it’s spreading like wildfire. The IRS' targeting of adoptive families is reprehensible.
Steve Jobs Changed the World; Adoption Changed His.
By Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation The news hit me in the gut. I couldn’t believe I was seeing those few numbers, communicating his passing, beneath his photo: 1955-2011. Steve […]